Machine learning and Big Data in deep underground engineering
Asoke Nandi, 张茹 , 赵涛, Tao Lei
关键词:Machine learning and Big Data in deep underground engineering
摘要:This special issue of Deep Underground Science and Engineering (DUSE) showcases pioneering research on the transformative role of machine learning (ML) and Big Data in deep underground engineering. Edited by guest editors Prof. Asoke Nandi (Brunel University of London, UK), Prof. Ru Zhang (Sichuan University, China), Prof. Tao Zhao (Chinese Academy of Sciences, China), and Prof. Tao Lei (Shaanx...
阅读全文 PDF 引用Performance evaluation of rock fragmentation prediction based on RF-BOA, AdaBoost-BOA, GBoost-BOA, and ERT-BOA hybrid models
Junjie Zhao, Diyuan Li, Jian Zhou, Danial J. Armaghani, Aohui Zhou
关键词:ayesian optimization, blasting, machine learning, rock fragmentation
摘要:AbstractRock fragmentation is an important indicator for assessing the quality of blasting operations. However, accurate prediction of rock fragmentation after blasting is challenging due to the complicated blasting parameters and rock properties. For this reason, optimized by the Bayesian optimization algorithm (BOA), four hybrid machine learning models, including random forest, adaptive boost...
阅读全文 PDF 引用Evaluation of underground hard rock mine pillar stability using gene expression programming and decision tree-support vector machine models
Mohammad H. Kadkhodaei, Ebrahim Ghasemi, Jian Zhou, Melika Zahraei
关键词:Evaluation of underground hard rock mine pillar stability using gene expression programming and decision treesupport vector machine models
摘要:AbstractAssessing the stability of pillars in underground mines (especially in deep underground mines) is a critical concern during both the design and the operational phases of a project. This study mainly focuses on developing two practical models to predict pillar stability status. For this purpose, two robust models were developed using a database including 236 case histories from seven und...
阅读全文 PDF 引用Development of an optimization model for a monitoring point in tunnel stress deduction using a machine learning algorithm
Xuyan Tan, Weizhong Chen, Luyu Wang, Wei Ye
关键词:Development of an optimization model for a monitoring point in tunnel stress deduction using machine learning algorithm
摘要:HighlightsScientific guidance for monitoring scheme optimization is provided.The stress distribution of the overall section is characterized using limited numbers of monitoring points.Interdisciplinary application of machine learning helps in solving practical engineering problems.1 INTRODUCTIONAssessments of stress patterns in tunnel engineering are invaluable, as they directly impact the safe...
阅读全文 PDF 引用Laboratory evaluation of a low-cost micro electro-mechanical systems sensor for inclination and acceleration monitoring
Antonis Paganis, Vassiliki N. Georgiannou, Xenofon Lignos, Reina El Dahr
Grouped machine learning methods for predicting rock mass parameters in a tunnel boring machine-driven tunnel based on fuzzy C-means clustering
Ruirui Wang, Yaodong Ni, Lingli Zhang, Boyang Gao
关键词:fuzzy C‐means clustering, machine learning, rock mass parameter, tunnel boring machine
摘要:HighlightsThe traditional rock mass parameter predicting method based on machine learning and tunnel boring machine driving data is improved by fuzzy C-means clustering.Using fuzzy C-means clustering, samples are divided into multiple clusters and multiple targeted submodels are trained. The prediction results weighted by the multiple submodels are more accurate than those obtained by the tradi...
阅读全文 PDF 引用ALSTNet: Autoencoder fused long- and short-term time-series network for the prediction of tunnel structure
Bowen Du, Haohan Liang, Yuhang Wang, Junchen Ye, Xuyan Tan, Weizhong Chen
关键词:ALSTNet Autoencoder fused long and shortterm timeseries network for the prediction of tunnel structure
摘要:AbstractIt is crucial to predict future mechanical behaviors for the prevention of structural disasters. Especially for underground construction, the structural mechanical behaviors are affected by multiple internal and external factors due to the complex conditions. Given that the existing models fail to take into account all the factors and accurate prediction of the multiple time series simu...
阅读全文 PDF 引用Opportunities and challenges for gas coproduction from coal measure gas reservoirs with coal-shale-tight sandstone layers: A review
梁伟, 王建国, Chunfai Leung, Sianghuat Goh, Shuxun Sang
Experimental study on the physical and mechanical properties of carbonatite rocks under high confining pressure after thermal treatment
杨文东, Bingqi Wang, Jun Yao, Pathegama G. Ranjith, Xiang Zhang
关键词:carbonatite, high confining pressure, high temperature, oil and gas reservoirs, ultra‐deep rocks
摘要:The results show that the critical confining pressure of the brittle–ductile transition increases with increasing temperature. Young's modulus is negatively correlated with the temperature and positively correlated with the confining pressure. As the confining pressure increases, the failure mode of the specimens gradually transforms from shear fracture failure into “V”-type failure and finally into bulging failure (multiple shear fractures). With increasing temperature, the failure angle tends to decrease. In addition, an improved version of the Mohr‒Coulomb strength criterion with a temperature-dependent power function was proposed to describe the failure strength of carbonatite rocks after exposure to high temperature and high confining pressure.
阅读全文 PDF 引用Evolution law of pulsating seepage and thermal deformation by injecting high-temperature steam into coal for thermal coalbed methane recovery
Zhiqiang Li, Junliang Li, Jinsheng Chen, Ali Karrech, Ningchao Zhang, Ju Chang, Kaiqi Jin, Yangyang
关键词:Evolution law of pulsating seepage and thermal deformation by injecting hightemperature steam into coal for coalbed methane recovery
摘要:AbstractChinese coal reservoirs are characterized by low pressure and low permeability, which need to be enhanced so as to increase production. However, conventional methods for permeability enhancement can only increase the permeability in fractures, but not the ultra-low permeability in coal matrices. Attempts to enhance such impermeable structures lead to rapid attenuation of gas production,...
阅读全文 PDF 引用Assessment for shallow and large tunnel construction in weak ground conditions: Application of tunnel boring machines
Servet Karahan, Candan Gokceoglu
关键词:face pressure, NATM, railway tunnel, TBM, weak ground
摘要:AbstractWith recent technological advancements, tunnel boring machines (TBM) have developed and exhibited high performance in large diameters and weak ground conditions. Tunnels are crucial structures that significantly influence the timelines of highway and railway projects. Therefore, the construction of tunnels with TBMs becomes a preferred option. In this study, a comparative analysis betwe...
阅读全文 PDF 引用Deformation monitoring at shield tunnel joints: Laboratory test and discrete element simulation
Maoyi Mao, Xiaowei Yang, Chun Liu, Tao Zhao, Hui Liu
关键词:Deformation monitoring at shield tunnel joints Laboratory test and discrete element simulation
摘要:AbstractShield tunnel, composed of several segments, is widely used in urban underground engineering. When the tunnel is under load, relative displacement occurs between adjacent segments. In the past, distributed optical fiber sensing technology was used to perform strain monitoring, but there is an urgent need to determine how to transform strain into displacement. In this study, optical freq...
阅读全文 PDF 引用Energy characteristics of saturated Jurassic sandstone in western China under different stress paths
Yi Yang, Jian Lin, Yun Wu, Shilong Peng, Wanhang Shao, Lining Yang
关键词:Energy characteristics of saturated Jurassic sandstone in western China under different stress paths
摘要:AbstractTo study the energy evolution and failure characteristics of saturated sandstone under unloading conditions, rock unloading tests under different stress paths were conducted. The energy evolution mechanism of the unloading failure of saturated sandstone was systematically explored from the perspectives of the stress path, the initial confining pressure, and the energy conversion rate. T...
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Two-year growth of Deep Underground Science and Engineering: A perspective
王建国, Chunfai Leung, 谢和平, 李晓昭, 岳娜, 侯庆萍, 王继红
关键词:Twoyear growth of Deep Underground Science and Engineering A perspective
摘要:Deep Underground Science and Engineering (DUSE) launched its first issue in September 2022 as a quarterly journal. So far, it has published 106 articles with nine issues and online early view. The volume of received manuscripts increases by 50% each year and over 200 manuscripts were received by 28th of November 2024. In the early period, DUSE authorship came from five countries and now reaches...
阅读全文 PDF 引用Flow field analysis and particle erosion of tunnel-slope systems under coupling between runoff and fast (slow) seepage
张帅, 宋丹青, Ruiliang Zhang, Kai Zhang, Qi Zhao, Suraksha Sharma
关键词:particle erosion, particle motion, runoff‐fast (slow) seepage coupling, shear stress profile, tunnel‐slopesystem, velocity profil
阅读全文 PDF 引用The influence of the disturbing effect of roadways through faults on the faults' stability and slip characteristics
Shuaifeng Lu, Andrew Chan, Xiaolin Wang, Shanyong Wang, Zhijun Wan, Jingyi Cheng
关键词:The influence of the disturbing effect roadways through faults on stability and slip characteristics
摘要:AbstractIn order to mitigate the risk of geological disasters induced by fault activation when roadways intersect reverse faults in coal mining, this paper uses a combination of mechanical models with PFC2D software. A mechanical model is introduced to represent various fault angles, followed by a series of PFC2D loading and unloading tests to validate the model and investigate fault instabilit...
阅读全文 PDF 引用Prediction of rock mass classification in tunnel boring machine tunneling using the principal component analysis (PCA)–gated recurrent unit (GRU) neural network
Ke Man, Liwen Wu, Xiaoli Liu, Zhifei Song, Kena Li, Nawnit Kumar
关键词:Prediction of rock mass classification in tunnel boring machine tunneling using the principal component analysis PCAgated recurrent unit GRU neural network
摘要:AbstractDue to the complexity of underground engineering geology, the tunnel boring machine (TBM) usually shows poor adaptability to the surrounding rock mass, leading to machine jamming and geological hazards. For the TBM project of Lanzhou Water Source Construction, this study proposed a neural network called PCA–GRU, which combines principal component analysis (PCA) with gated recurrent uni...
阅读全文 PDF 引用Research on the bearing capacity characteristics of initial support for horseshoe-shaped tunnel prefabrication
Yongtao Xue, Fayuan Yan, Chengzhi Qi, Haochen Zhang, Zhao Xiuwang, Chen Jingxu
关键词:Research on the bearing capacity characteristics of initial support for horseshoeshaped tunnel prefabrication
摘要:AbstractIn view of the limited theoretical research on the load model of initial support for horseshoe-shaped prefabrication, this study focuses on the Luochuan Tunnel on the Xi'an-Yan'an newly built railway as the research object to explore its load model, load characteristic curve, plastic zone, deformation, and critical thickness. Theoretical research and numerical analysis were conducted. T...
阅读全文 PDF 引用A review of mechanical deformation and seepage mechanism of rock with filled joints
Lei Yue, Wei Li, Yu Liu, Shuncai Li, Jintao Wang
关键词:A review of mechanical deformation and seepage mechanism rock with filled joints
摘要:AbstractVarious defects exist in natural rock masses, with filled joints being a vital factor complicating both the mechanical characteristics and seepage mechanisms of the rock mass. Filled jointed rocks usually show mechanical properties that are weaker than those of intact rocks but stronger than those of rocks with fractures. The shape of the rock, filling material, prefabricated fissure ge...
阅读全文 PDF 引用Experimental study on the influence of content and fineness of fly ash on the mechanical properties of grouting slurries
江华, 张汉栋, 张小燕, Jinxun Zhang, Yusheng Jiang
张旭, Bin Luo, Youjun Xu, Chenxu Zhao, Huachuan Wang
Deep sea mineral resources and underground space as well as infrastructure for sustainable and liveable cities
王建国, 谢和平, Chunfai Leung, 李晓昭
关键词:Deep sea mineral resources and underground space as well infrastructure for sustainable liveable cities
摘要:This issue covers the papers on two special themes: (1) Mineral resources from deep sea—Science and Engineering and (2) Planning and development of underground space and infrastructure for sustainable and liveable cities.The special theme of “Mineral resources from deep sea—Science and Engineering” is on the exploration and transport of mineral resources from deep sea. The mineral resources...
阅读全文 PDF 引用Numerical study on gas production via a horizontal well from hydrate reservoirs with different slope angles in the South China Sea
骆汀汀,宋建霖, Xiang Sun, Fanbao Cheng, Madhusudhan Bangalore Narasimha Murthy, Yulu Ch
关键词:effective stress, low‐permeability reservoirs, natural gas hydrate production, numerical simulation,settlement, slope angle, the South China Sea
阅读全文 PDF 引用Small-scale fire tests in the underwater tunnel section model with new sidewall smoke extraction
岳顺禹, Ruifeng Miao, Huihang Cheng, 钟茂华, Xiujun Yang
Interaction between internal solitary waves and the seafloor in the deep sea
Zhuangcai Tian, Jinjian Huang, Jiaming Xiang, Shaotong Zhang, Jinran Wu, Xiaolei Liu, Tingting Luo,
关键词:bottom boundary layer, interaction, internal solitary wave, seafloor, sediment
摘要:AbstractInternal solitary wave (ISW), as a typical marine dynamic process in the deep sea, widely exists in oceans and marginal seas worldwide. The interaction between ISW and the seafloor mainly occurs in the bottom boundary layer. For the seabed boundary layer of the deep sea, ISW is the most important dynamic process. This study analyzed the current status, hotspots, and frontiers of researc...
阅读全文 PDF 引用Bibliometric analysis of research challenges and trends in urban underground space
张友,郑亮,何灵玲,焦玉勇, 张友,郑亮,何灵玲,焦玉勇,彭汉发,Ranjith P. Gamage
A meso-damage-based constitutive model for yellow sandstone under dry–wet cycles
秦哲, Runchang Zhang, Weizheng Mao, 韩继欢, Zhiwen Li, Sunhao Zhang
Study on creep deformation and energy development of underground surrounding rock under four-dimensional support
马占国, 孙钧宇, Peng Gong, Pengfei Yan, Nan Cui, Ruichong Zhang
关键词:coal mines, elastic strain energy, four‐dimensional support, large roadway depth, long‐term stabilitycontrol, plastic deformation, surrounding roc
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Form and load transfer aspects of foundation systems: Case-based implementation and adaptation for buildings
Abolfazl Eslami, Amirhossein Ebrahimipour, Meysam Imani, Reza Imam, Pinqiang Mo
关键词:Form and load transfer aspects of foundation systems Casebased implementation adaptation for buildings
摘要:AbstractConventionally, foundations have been classified as shallow or deep in routine civil engineering practice. However, due to recent developments, two other approaches, semi-deep and ground modification foundations, are now available, complicating foundation categorization. Accordingly, a new concept for foundation categorization is introduced in this paper based on insights into the theor...
阅读全文 PDF 引用Slit tube responses and rock fracture characteristics in slit charge blasting under high in situ stress
Zhe Sui, Liyun Yang, Lijun Wu, Chenxi Ding
关键词:Slit tube responses and rock fracture characteristics in slit charge blasting under high situ stress
摘要:AbstractDeep mining of natural resources, like coal, is increasingly utilizing directional blasting technology with slit charge for rock blasting at greater depths. This study, based on numerical simulation methods, analyzes the dynamic behavior of slit charge blasting in three aspects: slit tube dynamic response, hoop stress evolution, and crack propagation. According to research findings, the...
阅读全文 PDF 引用Stress analysis of crack characteristic of anthracite under dynamic loading
Yun Bai, Feng Gao, Ning Luo, Zhizhen Zhang, Yue Niu, Shanjie Su
关键词:Stress analysis of crack characteristic anthracite under dynamic loading
摘要:AbstractThe coal dynamic characteristic stress identification under dynamic load is important for guiding underground mineral mining and predicting underground dynamic disasters. In this article, the dynamic compression test of anthracite under five strain rates is carried out, the evolution law of three kinds of crack characteristic stress is analyzed, and a prediction model of the crack chara...
阅读全文 PDF 引用A novel construction approach for the pore structure model principally focuses on the controllable roundness of rock particles
Jiabin Dong, Ning Yang, Yi Jin, Ying Wu, Dandan Liu, Junling Zheng, Jingyan Zhao
关键词:A novel construction approach for the pore structure model principally focuses on controllable roundness of rock particles
摘要:AbstractPores among particles provide the main space for the storage and migration of deep underground fluids (such as oil, gas, groundwater, and unconventional natural gas). The pores form a pore structure with complex morphology which is mainly dominated by the shape and distribution of particles. Therefore, the reconstruction of the pore structure or granular porous media and the evaluation ...
阅读全文 PDF 引用Experimental and constitutive modeling investigations on marble in Jinping Underground Laboratory
Susheng Wang, Qiang Zhang, Hao Luo, Zhinan Lin
关键词:Experimental and constitutive modeling investigations on marble in Jinping Underground Laboratory
摘要:AbstractThe Jinping Underground Laboratory is the deepest and largest underground laboratory in the world, with a maximum buried depth of approximately 2400 m. The objective is to study the brittle-ductile transition of marble through a combination of experimental research and constitutive modeling. Triaxial compression and triaxial cyclic loading tests are initially conducted to explore the a...
阅读全文 PDF 引用Hydrogen sulfide in underground hydrogen storage sites: Implication of thermochemical sulfate reduction
Sadegh Ahmadpour, Raoof Gholami
关键词:Hydrogen sulfide in underground hydrogen storage sites Implication of thermochemical sulfate reduction
摘要:AbstractHydrogen is recognized as a clean energy carrier that can decarbonize heavy industry and the aviation system. However, the infrastructure is not yet ready for a hydrogen economy and large-scale hydrogen storage is needed to balance the mismatch between supply and demand. Therefore, depleted gas fields have been proposed as suitable storage sites, given the presence of infrastructure and...
阅读全文 PDF 引用An analytical solution of direction evolution of crack growth during progressive failure in brittle rocks
Xiaozhao Li, Lianjie Li, Fayuan Yan, Chengzhi Qi, Mikhail A. Guzev, Evgenii V. Kozhevnikov, Artem A.
关键词:An analytical solution of direction evolution crack growth during progressive failure in brittle rocks
摘要:AbstractMicrocrack growth during progressive compressive failure in brittle rocks strongly influences the safety of deep underground engineering. The external shear stress τxy on brittle rocks greatly affects microcrack growth and progressive failure. However, the theoretical mechanism of the growth direction evolution of the newly generated wing crack during progressive failure has rarely bee...
阅读全文 PDF 引用A comprehensive study on in situ stress field characteristics and changes in rock mechanical properties in deep mines in northeastern Yunnan, China
Hui Wang, Bangtao Sun, Cong Cao, Shibo Yu, He Wang, Ye Yuan, Hua Zhong
关键词:A comprehensive study on in situ stress field characteristics and changes rock mechanical properties deep mines northeastern Yunnan China
摘要:AbstractThe Maoping lead–zinc mining area is a significant metal mine site in northeastern Yunnan. In this study, both hydraulic fracturing in situ stress testing and ultrasonic imaging logging were first carried out in the mining area. Second, 930 focal mechanism solutions and 231 sets of stress data near the mining area were collected. Then, the variations in the type of in situ stress field...
阅读全文 PDF 引用Seismic performance of concrete tunnel–sand–pile interaction by the shake table test
Md. Foisal Haque, Mehedi A. Ansary
关键词:Seismic performance of concrete tunnelsandpile interaction by the shake table test
摘要:AbstractThis research presents the square root sum of squares response of displacements and tunnel moments under the Kobe and Loma Prieta seismic excitations with a peak ground acceleration of 0.05 g for various dry relative densities of local sand in Bangladesh. For this reason, a one-dimensional gravitational shake table test was performed after calibration to determine the seismic performan...
阅读全文 PDF 引用Damage evolution of surrounding sandstone rock under charging–discharging cyclic loading in the natural gas storage of abandoned mines based on the discrete element method
Zhanguo Ma, Junyu Sun, Peng Gong, Erwin Oh, Jun Hu, Ruichong Zhang
关键词:damage evolution model of surrounding rock, discrete element method, force chains, gascharging–discharging cycle, gas storage in abandoned mine
摘要:AbstractGas storage in abandoned mines is one way to reuse waste space resources. The surrounding rock of gas storage reservoirs in underground roadways undergoes damage and deformation under the cyclic loading of gas charging and discharging, which can pose a risk to the safety of the reservoirs. This study establishes a true triaxial numerical model of rock mass with the discrete element meth...
阅读全文 PDF 引用Study on the variation of the permeability coefficient of soil–rock mixtures in fault zones under different stress states
Wenhui Tan, Shuang Liang, Xuewen Ma, Pengfei Wang
关键词:permeability coefficient, rock block percentage, sensitivity analysis, soil–rock mixture, stress state
摘要:AbstractAs the first gold mine discovered at the sea in China and the only coastal gold mine currently mined there, Sanshandao Gold Mine faces unique challenges. The mine's safety is under continual threat from its faulted structure coupled with the overlying water. As the mining proceeds deeper, the risk of water inrush increases. The mine's maximum water yield reaches 15 000 m3/day, which is...
阅读全文 PDF 引用Experimental study on the damage characteristics of cyclic disturbance and acoustic emission characteristics of different types of sandstones under high stress in deep mines
Yujing Jiang, Bin Liang, Dong Wang, Ling Dong, Hengjie Luan, Changsheng Wang, Jiankang Liu
关键词:acoustic emission, cyclic perturbation, high stress, sandstone, sine wave
摘要:AbstractThree sandstone specimens common in rock engineering were selected to study the differences in the mechanical properties of rocks with different lithologies. The development and expansion of the internal cracks in the specimens were observed by combining the simulation system with the acoustic emission system. Through the combination of dynamic and static stresses, the deformation and d...
阅读全文 PDF 引用Fracturing behaviors of flawed granite induced by dynamic loadings: A study based on DIP and PFC
Xiao Wang, Wenbin Sun, Changdi He, Wei Yuan, Vahab Sarfarazi, Haozheng Wang
关键词:Fracturing behaviors of flawed granite induced by dynamic loadings A study based on DIP and PFC
摘要:AbstractThis study explored the dynamic behaviors and fracturing mechanisms of flawed granite under split-Hopkinson pressure bar testing, focusing on factors like grain size and flaw dimensions. By means of digital image processing and the discrete element method, Particle Flow Code 2D (PFC2D) models were constructed based on real granite samples, effectively overcoming the limitations of prior...
阅读全文 PDF 引用A comprehensive review of experimental studies on shear behavior of bolted rock joints with varying rock joint and bolt parameters and normal stress
Chang Zhou, Zhenwei Lang, Shun Huang, Qinghong Dong, Yanzhi Wang, Wenbo Zheng
关键词:bending angle, rock bolt, rock fracture, roughness, shear resistance
摘要:AbstractThe shear characteristics of bolted rock joints are crucial for the stability of tunneling and mining, particularly in deep underground engineering, where rock bolt materials are exposed to high stress, water pressure, and engineering disturbance. However, due to the complex interaction between bolted rock joints and various geological contexts, many challenges and unsolved problems ari...
阅读全文 PDF 引用A case study on the stability of a big underground powerhouse cavern cut by an interlayer shear zone in the China Baihetan hydropower plant
Lifang Zou, Guotao Meng, Jiayao Wu, Wei Fu, Weijiang Chu, Weiya Xu
关键词:A case study on the stability of a big underground powerhouse cavern cut by an interlayer shear zone in China Baihetan hydropower plant
摘要:AbstractThe big underground powerhouse cavern of the China Baihetan hydropower plant is 438 m long, 34 m wide, and 88.7 m high. It is cut by a weak interlayer shear zone and its high sidewall poses a huge stability problem. This paper reports our successful solution of this problem through numerical simulations and a replacement-tunnel scheme in the detailed design stage and close site monit...
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- 1Frictional Stability of Longmaxi Shale Gouges and Implications for Deep Seismic Potential in the Southeastern Sichuan Basin 2Mineralogy, microstructures and geomechanics of rock salt for underground gas storage 3Additive manufacturing technology in mining engineering research 4The theory of compression–shear coupled composite wavepropagation in rock 5High-performance computing of 3D blasting wave propagation in underground rock cavern by using 4D-LSM on TianHe-3 prototype E class supercomputer 6Influence of cooling speed on the physical and mechanical properties of granite in geothermal-related engineering 7Grouting theories and technologies for the reinforcement of fractured rocks surrounding deep roadways 8Development of urban underground space in coastal cities in China: A review 9Seabed structures and foundations related to deep-sea resource development: A review based on design and research 10Potential triggers for large earthquakes in open-pit mines: A case study from Kuzbass, Siberia
- 1Frictional Stability of Longmaxi Shale Gouges and Implications for Deep Seismic Potential in the Southeastern Sichuan Basin 2Influence of cooling speed on the physical and mechanical properties of granite in geothermal-related engineering 3Development of urban underground space in coastal cities in China: A review 4Grouting theories and technologies for the reinforcement of fractured rocks surrounding deep roadways 5Mineralogy, microstructures and geomechanics of rock salt for underground gas storage 6A multiphysical-geochemical coupling model for caprock sealing efficiency in CO2 geosequestration 7Advancing deep underground research through integration of engineering and science 8Numerical simulation of zonal disintegration of surrounding rock in the deep-buried chamber 9Seabed structures and foundations related to deep-sea resource development: A review based on design and research 10Stress wave propagation and incompatible deformation mechanisms in rock discontinuity interfaces in deep-buried tunnels