
Study on creep deformation and energy development of underground surrounding rock under four-dimensional support

Zhanguo Ma, Junyu Sun, Peng Gong, Pengfei Yan, Nan Cui, Ruichong Zhang


关键词:coal mines, elastic strain energy, four‐dimensional support, large roadway depth, long‐term stabilitycontrol, plastic deformation, surrounding roc

摘要: The numerical simulation results indicate that the combined support mode of 4D roof supports and conventional side supports is highly applicable to the stability control of surrounding rock with a roadway depth exceeding 520 m. With the increase of roadway depth, 4D support can effectively restrain the area and depth of plastic deformation in the surrounding rock. Further, 4D support limits the accumulation range and rate of elastic strain energy as the creep deformation time increases. 4D support can effectively reduce the plastic deformation of roadway surrounding rock and maintain the stability for a long deformation period of 6 months. As confirmed by in situ monitoring results, 4D support is more effective for the long-term stability control of surrounding rock than conventional

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A preliminary site selection system for underground hydrogen storage in salt caverns and its application in Pingdingshan, China

Liangchao Huang, Yanli Fang, Zhengmeng Hou, Yachen Xie, Lin Wu, Jiashun Luo, Qichen Wang, Yilin Guo,


关键词:analytic hierarchy process (AHP), evaluation index, hydrogen storage, salt cavern, site selectio

摘要:Based on a detailed classification and analysis, a “four-factor” model for the site selection of salt cavern hydrogen storage is proposed, encompassing the dynamic demands of hydrogen energy, geological, hydrological, and ground factors of salt mines. Subsequently, 20 basic indicators for comprehensive suitability grading of the target site were screened using the analytic hierarchy process and expert survey methods were adopted, which provided a preliminary site selection system for salt cavern hydrogen storage. Ultimately, the developed system was applied for the evaluation of salt cavern hydrogen storage sites in the salt mines of Pingdingshan City, Henan Province, thereby confirming its rationality and effectiveness. This research provides a feasible method and theoretical basis for the site selection of UHS in salt caverns in China.

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Mechanical properties and fracture surface roughness of thermally damaged granite under dynamic splitting

Yijin Qian, Peng Jia, Songze Mao, Jialiang Lu


关键词:Mechanical properties and fracture surface roughness of thermally damaged granite under dynamic splitting

摘要:AbstractIn order to understand the mechanical properties and the fracture surface roughness characteristics of thermally damaged granite under dynamic splitting, dynamic Brazilian splitting tests were conducted on granite samples after thermal treatment at 25, 200, 400, and 600°C. Results show that the dynamic peak splitting strength of thermally damaged granite samples increases with increasin...

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Spatiotemporal mapping of (ultra-)mafic magmatic mine areas: Implications of economic and political realities in China

Heling Li, Liang Tang, Tim T. Werner, Zhengmeng Hou, Fan Meng, Jingjing Li


关键词:Spatiotemporal mapping of ultramafic magmatic mine areas Implications economic and political realities in China

摘要:AbstractThe spatiotemporal extension/expansion of mine areas is affected by multiple factors. So far, very little has been done to examine the interaction between mine areas and political or economic realities. The (ultra-)mafic magmatic mines in China played a specific role in supporting national development and providing an ideal research subject for monitoring their interrelationship. In thi...

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Development and applications of the quasi-dynamic triaxial apparatus for deep rocks

Jinzhi Luo, Yanyan Cai, Jin Yu, Jianzhi Zhang, Yaoliang Zhu, Yao Wei


关键词:Development and applications of the quasidynamic triaxial apparatus for deep rocks

摘要:AbstractThe mechanical behaviors of deep rocks have always posed a challenge for the implementation and safe operation of major underground engineering projects. To this end, this study modified the existing mainstream rock mechanics instruments equipped with a dynamic disturbance loading system and developed a second-generation TFD-2000/D triaxial instrument. The first-generation device is equ...

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