
A review of mechanical deformation and seepage mechanism of rock with filled joints

Lei Yue, Wei Li, Yu Liu, Shuncai Li, Jintao Wang


关键词:A review of mechanical deformation and seepage mechanism rock with filled joints

摘要:AbstractVarious defects exist in natural rock masses, with filled joints being a vital factor complicating both the mechanical characteristics and seepage mechanisms of the rock mass. Filled jointed rocks usually show mechanical properties that are weaker than those of intact rocks but stronger than those of rocks with fractures. The shape of the rock, filling material, prefabricated fissure ge...

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Experimental study on the influence of content and fineness of fly ash on the mechanical properties of grouting slurries


江华, 张汉栋, 张小燕, Jinxun Zhang, Yusheng Jiang


关键词:Experimental study on the influence of content and fineness fly ash mechanical properties grouting slurries


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Case study of performance assessment of overlapping shield tunnels with a small curve radius

张旭, Bin Luo, Youjun Xu, Chenxu Zhao, Huachuan Wang


关键词:Case study of performance assessment overlapping shield tunnels with a small curve radius


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A meso-damage-based constitutive model for yellow sandstone under dry–wet cycles


秦哲, Runchang Zhang, Weizheng Mao, 韩继欢, Zhiwen Li, Sunhao Zhang


关键词:A mesodamagebased constitutive model for yellow sandstone under drywet cycles


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