Experimental study on the influence of content and fineness of fly ash on the mechanical properties of grouting slurries


Adjusting the fineness and content of fly ash can control the hydration process and properties of fly ash slurry, including coagulation, strength development, and pore distribution uniformity, thereby optimizing construction efficiency and environmental performance.


With the gradual trend of urban construction focused on spatialization, the development of large-scale urban underground spaces has entered a new stage, where settlement control is becoming a major challenge, especially during the passing stage of shield tunneling. In recent years, a considerable research has been carried out on shield grouting. Kwan and Chen (2013) investigated the strength and permeability of an ultra-fine cement slurry containing ultra-fine fly ash (UFFA), and it was found that the compressive strength of the slurry increased, strength gain was accelerated, and the permeability decreased after the addition of fine fly ash. The effect of the amount of cement addition on the densification of fly ash mixtures was studied, and the densification curve of the postcement compaction parameters was investigated (Avci & Mollamahmutoglu, 2020; Zabielska-Adamska, 2008). In the case of slurry improvement, it was found that the slurry or soil quality can be enhanced by incorporating additives with different characteristics, including synthetic and natural materials (Ling et al., 2022; Ma et al., 2021). Jin et al. (2022) studied ground displacements during shield construction and found that shields caused the most settlement when passing through soft strata. By grouting the soft strata, the ground displacement and risk of shield construction can be effectively reduced. Recently, computer science and machine learning have been widely used to predict the compressive strength of fly ash-based polymer concrete with different mix ratios, which agrees well with the experimental results (Nguyen et al., 2020). In the microscopic field, the effect of UFFA and silica fume additives on concrete strength has attracted increasing attention. A large amount of low-calcium fly ash was used to prepare high-strength concrete, and it was found that its hydration heat and chloride diffusivity were lower than those of the same ordinary cement concrete or concrete with a lower fly ash content (Obla et al., 2003; Poon et al., 2000). This indicates that fly ash can improve the interface bonding between aggregates in the concrete. With the popularization of interdisciplinarity, CT scanning and other technologies have been gradually applied to civil engineering and material science, where such methods can be diversified and refined. In the field of concrete structures, it is common to apply X-ray tomography to study the permeability of the pore structure of cement concrete. The extended X-ray attenuation method was used to study the spatial distribution of the porosity of partially carbonated fly ash slurries, and the mercury intrusion method (MIP) was applied to confirm carbonization based on the postevolutionary microstructures (Cui et al., 2019; Zhao & Jommi, (2022); Lu et al., 2006).

Based on advancements involving combinations of physical experiments and computer technology, experimental research has been carried out on the shear behavior of fly ash-based GC beams. The shear strength of beams was obtained, and crack resistance and shrinkage were studied by CT scanning technology (Min et al., 2010; Yacob et al., 2019). Besides, Yu et al. (2019) used 2D/3D CT image recognition technology to study the pore characteristics of fly ash-mixed permeable concrete and investigate the relationship between the pore characteristics and permeability. AVIZO software was used to simulate the absolute permeability of permeable concrete. In addition, Karami et al. (2021) investigated the effect of hydration and swelling properties of fly ash on soil and found that fly ash additives can effectively improve the efficiency of soil stabilization and enhance its bearing capacity.

In shield tunneling construction, synchronous grouting is primarily conducted to strengthen the contact surface between the segments and the surrounding soil layers. The outer annular gap of the segments is always filled to prevent ground settlement and segment flotation. Typically, the grout material used in synchronous grouting should be rapidly hardened to provide support to the segments and prevent deformation. However, the objective of grouting for excavation gaps is to reinforce the soil layers surrounding the shield shell, which is grouted into the strata before synchronous grouting. The major difference is that this grout material should not harden too early to avoid locking of the shield body.

However, current construction methods only focus on the performance of synchronous grouting on the segments, and less attention is paid to the excavation gap of shield tunnels. This gap can provide space to adjust the posture of the shield, and the excavation gap is usually in the range of 1–3 cm. The soil around the excavation gap has no support, which can easily cause subsidence, with a corresponding soil loss rate of about 0.3%–0.8%. The grouting in the excavation gap must meet the following requirements: (1) the early strength of slurries must be low to prevent locking of the shield shell; (2) it must be ensured that the slurry can be grouted; (3) the setting time of slurries can be controlled; and (4) the later-period strength must be high.

In this paper, issues involving normal grouting slurries such as difficulty in pouring or low quality of pouring, high cost, environmentally unfriendly nature, and so on were addressed by the use of fly ash with variations in fineness and cement grading components. The effect of the content and fineness of fly ash on the physical and chemical properties of grouting slurries was experimentally investigated. The slurry was used in the shield gap to control cement hydration in the concrete field. The initial addition of cement was done to create an alkaline environment rich in hydroxide ions that promote cement hydration. The subsequent addition of fly ash further enhanced the hydration process and deflocculated the slurry, which reduced its early strength but optimized its pumping properties and improved late-stage stability. Both macroscopic and microscopic approaches were utilized to evaluate the impact of the content and fineness of fly ash on the performance of a shield excavation gap-filling slurry. The macroscopic approach involved direct shear testing, needle penetration testing, and consolidation rate testing. In contrast, the microscopic approach used CT scanning to quantify the numbers, sizes, and distributions of pores for each slurry group. The microscopic results were combined with the macroscopic data to assess the influence of the content and fineness of fly ash on the performance of grouting slurries.


The grouting slurry consists of ordinary Portland cement, water, fly ash, sodium soil, and liquid sodium silicate. The main oxide composition of fly ash is SiO2, Al2O3, FeO, Fe2O3, CaO, and so on. The fly ash used in the experiment was divided into three levels, in which the fineness of each level was different. The fineness for the three levels was 5, 11, and 44 μm. The material properties of the fly ash used are listed in Table 1.

Table 1. Material properties of the primary fly ash.
Color Density ρ (g/cm3) w (Al2O3) (%) w (SiO2) (%) w (Moisture) (%)
Gray 2.55 24.2 45.1 0.85

In the tests, a total of 10 proportioning schemes were designed to investigate the effect of fly ash admixture and fineness on the slurry properties. The first (A), second (B), and third (C) grades of fly ash were used in the slurries in Group A. The factor mf/mc stands for the ratio of fly ash to cement. The experimental protocols adopted in this paper are listed in Tables 2 and 3.

Table 2. Test items and test groups.
Experiment no. Experiment name Slurry groups in the test
I Slurry hydration temperature test A2/B2/C2
II Undrained direct shear test A0/A2/A4/A6; B2/B4/B6; C2/C4/C6
III Slurry viscosity test A2/B2/C2
IV Slurry hardening course test A2/B2/C2
V Slurry consolidation test A0–A7/B1–B7/C1–C7
VI Slurry density test A0–A7/B1–B7/C1–C7
VII Slurry CT scan test A0/A2/A6
Table 3. Mixed proportions of fly ash slurry.
Sample no. Grade of fly ash Fly ash (g) Cement (g) Sodium soil (g) Water glass (mL) Water (mL) mf/mc
A0 None fly ash 0 70 150 30 400 0
A1/B1/C1 Grade 1/2/3 10 60 150 30 400 0.17
A2/B2/C2 Grade 1/2/3 20 50 150 30 400 0.40
A3/B3/C3 Grade 1/2/3 30 40 150 30 400 0.75
A4/B4/C4 Grade 1/2/3 35 35 150 30 400 1.00
A5/B5/C5 Grade 1/2/3 40 30 150 30 400 1.30
A6/B6/C6 Grade 1/2/3 50 20 150 30 400 2.50
A7/B7/C7 Grade 1/2/3 60 10 150 30 400 6.00
  • Note: mf/mc stands for the ratio of fly ash and cement; Group A includes first-grade fly ash, Group B includes second-grade fly ash, and Group C includes third-grade fly ash.

2.1 Slurry hydration temperature test

To investigate the intensity and phase changes of the slurry hydration reaction, the hydration temperature was monitored in three groups (A2/B2/C2) of slurries with variations in fineness and ratios (mf/mc = 0.4). A TDS-T303 temperature detector and a transparent acrylic container measuring 50 mm × 50 mm × 50 mm were used in the experiment. The slurry was prepared and placed in a holding tank, with an initial temperature of 20°C. The experiment lasted for 240 min, and the test data were taken every 1 min.

2.2 Slurry shear test

2.2.1 Undrained direct shear test

The direct shear test was conducted to determine the shear strength of slurries. A ring cutter with an inner diameter of 61.8 mm and a height of 20 mm was used to cut the soil sample. A vertical pressure of 50, 100, 200, and 400 kPa was applied. A shear rate of 0.8 mm/min was used for testing, and shear damage was considered to occur when shear deformation reached 6 mm.

The shear stress is calculated according to the following equation:
where is the shear stress (kPa); is the ring of force factor (100 N/mm); is the force ring reading (0.01 mm); and is the area of the specimen (cm 2).

2.2.2 Slurry viscosity test

To test slurry viscosity at a constant temperature under standard atmospheric conditions, an NDJ-8S viscometer was used. The slurry was prepared, and then poured evenly into a 300 mL measuring cup. Different types of rotors were used to conduct the test. After the reading stabilized, multiple measurements were taken and the average value was utilized as the final reference result.

2.3 Slurry hardening course test

According to the provisions in a Chinese code (GB/T4509-84), the experiment was conducted using an LHZR-5B needle penetration tester. The test thermostat plate was set at a temperature of 20 ± 1°C. The specimen was a cylindrical block with a height of 60 ± 1 cm and a radius of 3 cm.

Two experiments were conducted. One focused on the homogeneity of slurries. The test pieces were all made of first-grade fly ash, with mf/mc = 0.4, which were cured for 18 h in the same environment. To ensure the accuracy of the experiment and reduce errors, four measurement points were taken for each section, taking the average value as the final result. Another experiment focused on the effect of fly ash dosage on the hardening time of slurries.

2.3.1 Slurry consolidation test

The container used in the experiment was a 100-mL measuring cylinder. The slurry configuration method was the same as that described in the previous section. Two identical specimens were tested in each group of slurry, and their average value was taken to reduce errors. The slurries were allowed to stand for 5 h, and then the total slurry volume V1 and the kinked volume V0 were recorded.

The consolidation is calculated according to the following equation:
where is the consolidation (%); is the kinked volume (cm 3); and is the total volume (cm 3).

2.3.2 Slurry density test

To investigate the effect of the content of fly ash on slurry density, experiments were conducted using three different types of fly ash with variations in fineness. Transparent cylindrical molds with an inner diameter of 33 mm and a height of 50 mm were utilized, each of which had a net weight of M1. After preparing the slurry, it was poured into each mold, thorough vibration was performed, and any internal bubbles were eliminated. Subsequently, excessive slurries were removed to ensure that the mouth level was flat, resulting in a total weight of M2.

The density is calculated according to the following equation:
where is the density (g/cm 3); is the mass of the mold (g); is the mass of the total slurry (g); and is the mold volume (cm 3).

2.3.3 Slurry CT scan test

To investigate the effect of the content of fly ash on the pore space of slurries, three sets of slurries were prepared for the experiment. After mixing, the slurry was poured into a cylindrical container with a radius of 15 mm and a height of 60 mm. Internal air bubbles were eliminated through vibration, and a waterproof film was applied to cover the surface of the container. The container was then allowed to cure for 48 h before conducting CT scanning experiments to analyze its pore structure.


3.1 Mechanisms of hydration of fly ash particles

The hydration model of slurries with fly ash is shown in Figure 1. The hydration process of fly ash additives is mainly controlled by silica and alumina, and the oxides form dense hydration products in an alkaline solution. This helps to improve the grouting effect of the shield gap. The higher the fineness of fly ash, the more tiny the glass spherical particles and the larger the specific surface area. This makes it easier to combine with the Ca(OH) 2 in the cement. In addition, as the fineness increased, the density of fly ash increased, the water requirement for standard consistency decreased, and the compactness and strength of the slurry increased. The below equations represent the hydration equations of fly ash.
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Hydration model of fly ash slurries.

3.2 Analysis of experimental results on slurry hydration temperature

The hydration reaction between fly ash and cement generates significant heat. By monitoring these temperature changes, it is possible to investigate the various stages of slurry hydration and how they are affected by the fineness and content of fly ash. Table 4 shows the experimental data, and Figure 2 shows the temperature change curve during slurry hydration.

Table 4. Changes in the slurry temperature for Groups A2/B2/C2.

Time (min)
Group 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140
Temperature (°C) A2 20.0 23.3 23.8 23.5 23.3 22.9 23.4 23.8
B2 20.0 23.1 23.3 23.5 23.3 23.1 22.8 23.5
C2 20.0 23.0 23.2 23.4 23.5 23.2 23.0 22.8

Time (min)
Group 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300
Temperature (°C) A2 23.9 24.3 23.7 23.5 23.2 23.1 22.9 22.9
B2 23.6 23.8 24.0 23.7 23.5 23.2 22.9 22.8
C2 23.1 23.4 23.7 23.9 23.6 23.2 23.0 23.0
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Variation in the slurry hydration temperature.

The monitoring results showed that the temperature profiles of all three groups of slurries had two peaks at different times. The first peak of each group appeared at 40, 60, and 80 min, respectively. The second peak appeared at 180, 200, and 220 min, respectively. In terms of time sequence, the peak temperature of the slurry in group A2 appeared earliest and that group C2 appeared the last. The reason is that the slurry in group A2 had the highest fineness of fly ash, which resulted in the largest contact area between its particles and a faster reaction rate with cement. This led to a higher rate of temperature increase in A2. The fluidity of the slurry is positively related to the temperature, and thus the fluidity of the slurry and the optimum grouting time can be controlled by increasing the fineness of fly ash.

The hydration reaction of fly ash consumed a significant amount of Ca(OH)2, resulting in the formation of a silicic acid gel and fibrous calcium sulfo aluminate crystals with greater toughness. Calcium sulfo aluminate crystals have better resistance than Ca(OH)2 crystals, and their tensile properties promote the strength enhancement of the filler material. Calcium silicate hydrate has high strength and low alkalinity, which increases the quantity of hydrated cementitious substances in cement (Blissett & Rowson, 2013; Lam et al., 2000) and greatly improves the quality of the resultant slurry. This conclusion needs to be combined with the results of the density experiments below, from which it is shown that fly ash allows for a more complete hydration reaction of the cement, increasing the density after hardening. However, the hydration of fly ash must withstand alkaline conditions, and ensuring the minimum value of Ca(OH)2 is therefore essential, that is, the amount of fly ash substitution is limited.

The content of the glass body in fly ash and the specific surface area of the glass body determine the reaction rate (Lee et al., 2003). In the reaction with Ca(OH)2, the glass body is easily corroded to release free SiO2 and Al2O3, after which the hydration reaction takes place. Therefore, the finer the fly ash, the better its effect as an admixture.


4.1 Analysis of the results of direct shear experiments

4.1.1 Shear strength of slurries after 2 h

The shear strength curve of slurries after 2 h is shown in Figure 3. Under the condition of mf/mc = 0.4 and vertical pressure of 400 kPa, the maximum shear stress of the slurry in Groups A2, B2, and C2 was 46, 57, and 64 kPa, respectively. Group A2 had the lowest strength and Group C2 had the highest strength. The slurry with fly ash with higher fineness showed lower shear strength in the early stage, indicating that increasing the fineness of fly ash in the slurry can reduce the early strength and increase the overall strength of slurries. Pumpability prevented the slurry from hardening prematurely and locking the shield shell. The setting time of slurries can be controlled by adjusting the fineness and ratio of fly ash.

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Strength curves of slurries after 2 h: (a) Group A2 with first-grade fly ash; (b) Group B2 with second-grade fly ash; and (c) Group C2 with third-grade fly ash.

4.1.2 Shear strength of slurries after 18 h

After the shield was advanced for 18 h, the shield passed the previous segment. At this time, the slurry in the shield gap must maintain high shear strength to reduce settlement. First, second, and third grades of fly ash were used in the slurries in Groups A2, B2, and C2, respectively, and the vertical pressure was 400 kPa.

The shear strength curve of the slurry in Group A is shown in Figure 4. The maximum shear stress of A0 (mf/mc = 0), A2 (mf/mc = 0.4), A4 (mf/mc = 1.0), and A6 (mf/mc = 2.5) slurry was 250, 430, 32.6, and 23 kPa, respectively. In summary, the unique physical structure and chemical properties of fly ash can significantly improve and enhance the structural strength, homogeneity and compactness, and shear strength of slurries. If the cement content in the slurry is insufficient, sufficient hydroxide ions cannot be provided, resulting in insufficient hydration and a decrease in the strength of slurries.

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Strength curves of slurries after 18 h: (a) Group A0 with m f/ m c = 0; (b) Group A2 with m f/ m c = 0.4; (c) Group A4 with m f/ m c = 1.0; and (d) Group A6 with m f/ m c = 2.5.

Figure 5 presents the shear strength curve of Group B, where the maximum shear stress was 170 kPa, which was 2.5 times lower than that of Group A2, with mf/mc = 0.4. The maximum shear stress of B4 (mf/mc = 1.0) and B6 (mf/mc = 2.5) was 32 and 21 kPa, respectively, indicating that the fineness of fly ash has a huge influence on the strength of the slurry. With an increase in fineness, the particle contact surface increased and thus the sufficiency of the hydration reaction increased, resulting in increased later strength. The overall strength of the slurries in Groups B4 and B6 was lower than that of the slurries in Groups A4 and A6, but the difference was small. This indicates that when mf/mc increases to a certain value, increasing or decreasing the fineness of the fly ash has a relatively small effect on the final strength of the slurry. Moreover, the fly ash itself has low strength after hydration, and therefore cannot completely replace cement.

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Strength curves of slurries after 18 h: (a) Group B2 with m f/ m c = 0.4; (b) Group B4 with m f/ m c = 1.0; and (c) Group B6 with m f/ m c = 2.5.

The shear strength curve of Group C is presented in Figure 6. The maximum shear stress was 140 kPa, compared to that of 20 kPa for Group C4 (mf/mc = 1.0). The fineness of the fly ash in Group C2 was four times lower than that in Group B2, and the strength difference was about 1.2 times. Under the same conditions, the difference between the fly ash fineness of Groups A and B was two times. With the decrease of fineness of fly ash to a certain value, its influence on the strength of the slurry gradually weakened.

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Strength curves of slurries after 18 h: (a) Group C2 with m f/ m c = 0.4; (b) Group C4 with m f/ m c = 1.0; and (c) Group C6 with m f/ m c = 2.5.

Figure 6c shows the slurry strength curve of Group C6 (mf/mc = 2.5). Under the vertical pressure of 200 kPa, the sample was damaged and overflowed from the shear box when the shear displacement reached 1.5 mm. The failure occurred after three repeated operations, indicating that the slurry in Group C6 could not withstand the vertical pressure of 200 kPa. The strength was low, and the reinforcing effect of the third-grade fly ash was poor at the same proportion.

4.2 Analysis of viscosity test results

Viscosity is an important parameter reflecting the characteristics of cementitious materials. After injection of slurries into the excavation gap, excess viscosity will cause problems such as uneven filling, accumulation, and pipe blockage (Zhang et al., 2021). The hydration process of fly ash slurries is generally similar to that of ordinary cement slurries, as shown in Figure 7. The hydration process of fly ash slurries mainly included the following stages: (1) Bulking period. This stage was mainly affected by the montmorillonite in the sodium soil, which increased the viscosity of slurries. (2) Induction period. This was mainly controlled by the cement. When the cement was initially hydrated, a weak alkaline environment was formed, releasing heat. (3) Neutralization period. Ca(OH)2 and other alkaline substances reacted chemically to form gelling substances such as calcium silicate hydrate and calcium aluminate hydrate. (4) Alkali increasing period. Due to the addition of water glass, the viscosity of slurries decreased in a short period. However, with the further increase of hydroxide ions, the reaction between the cement and fly ash became more intense, and the viscosity of the slurry gradually increased. (5) Strengthening period. The hydration reaction of slurries continued, and the viscosity continued to increase until the slurry hardened.

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Viscosity changes of the Group A2/B2/C2 proportioned slurry.

4.3 Analysis of hardening test results

The penetration results of the six sections of Groups A2 (with first-grade fly ash), B2 (with second-grade fly ash), and C2 (with third-grade fly ash) after 18 h are shown in Figure 8. The penetration of the six sections of Group A2 showed a small change concentrated in the range of 2.0–2.5, and the span was small, indicating the consolidation of slurries. The properties were relatively consistent. Group B2 performed slightly worse than Group A2 for a larger span. Group C2 showed the worst performance, and the penetration span was the largest. This indicates that the fineness of fly ash has a greater impact on the consistency of the strength of the slurry after coagulation. The higher the fineness, the higher the slurry strength and the higher the consistency.

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Fitting curves of homogeneity.

Figure 9a shows the softness and hardness curves of the first-grade fly ash for mf/mc = 0.4. Within the 120 min before the slurry was allowed to stand, the penetration of the three groups of slurries was larger, ranging from 10 to 17 mm. In the 200-min interval, the needle penetration from greatest to least was Group A2 > Group B2 > Group C2, indicating that the slurries with high-fineness fly ash showed higher penetration in the early stage with greater softness and lower strength. Within the time interval of 10–100 min, the hydration reaction of the slurries in Groups B2 and C2 was faster than that of the slurries in Group A2, and the rate began to slow down after more than 100 min. To better explain the influence of fly ash fineness on the change of slurry strength, the concept of “mutation domain” was introduced to indicate the mutation range of slurry strength. At this time, the strength of Groups B and C began to be exceeded by that of Group A, indicating that the high-fineness fly ash slurry lasted for a long period of time, with low strength in the early stage and high strength in the later stage.

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Time–intensity curves of slurries: (a) slurry with m f/ m c = 0.4 and (b) slurry with m f/ m c = 1.0.

The softness and hardness curves of the first-grade fly ash for mf/mc = 1.0 are shown in Figure 9b. The difference is that the mutation domain appeared at different times. The mutation domain in the group with a higher fly ash ratio appeared later than that in the group with a lower fly ash ratio. The mutation domain in the mf/mc = 0.4 group appeared at about 220 min, while that in the mf/mc = 1.0 group appeared at about 300 min. This indicates that increasing the fly ash ratio can delay the mutation domain, that is, it can prolong the hydration time of slurries and avoid the early strength phenomenon of slurries.

Combined with the shear strength, it can be seen that increasing the fineness of fly ash can effectively increase the later strength of slurries and reduce their early strength. Note that this finding fits in with the early low shear strength properties.

4.4 Analysis of the results of the solidification rate experiment

Figure 10 shows the solidification rate of slurry homogeneity. According to the characteristics of fly ash, adding fly ash to a slurry will promote the hydration reaction and reduce its early strength. The solidification rate represents the ratio of the final volume of slurries to their initial volume (expressed as a percentage) and can reflect the filling effect of slurries after firming under the condition that the strength index is satisfied. The results showed that the three types of slurries with fly ash of different fineness all showed a high solidification rate for mf/mc smaller than 0.75, and the solidification rate gradually decreased with the increase of mf/mc. In the mf/mc range of 0.75–2.5, the finer the fly ash, the higher the solidification rate of slurries. After this interval, the fineness of fly ash had a greater influence on the solidification rate, while the effect of the content of slurries was small.

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Solidification rate curves of slurry homogeneity.

4.5 Analysis of density experimental results

From Figure 11, it can be observed that the slurry density of first-grade fly ash was higher than those of the other two groups, while the slurry density of control group A0 was lower than that of A1. This indicates that the addition of fly ash can effectively increase slurry density. Based on the density performance of the three groups, it can be concluded that increasing fly ash content beyond a certain range can decrease slurry density. Thus, to achieve the desired grouting effect, the proportion of fly ash and cement needs to be reasonably controlled within a specific range.

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Density of groups: (a) Group A with first-grade fly ash; (b) Group B with second-grade fly ash; and (c) Group C with third-grade fly ash.


5.1 CT slice porosity

Two cross-sections of slurries after 48 h are shown in Figure 12. These sections showed numerous gray spots that were preliminarily hypothesized to be unreacted fly ash and cement granules within the slurry. To further analyze the strength performance of the solidified fly ash content, X-ray CT scanning was performed on the sample, and the slurry structure was measured using this method. The CT scanning method allows for visual observation of the pore structure distribution within the slurry, with the advantages of high efficiency, convenience, and excellent imaging effects (Henry et al., 2014; Villagrán-Zaccardi et al., 2018; Zhou et al., 2019).

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Slurry in Group C.

Figure 13 shows the CT scanning results of A0 (mf/mc = 0), A2 (mf/mc = 0.4), and A6 (mf/mc = 2.5) groups including first-grade fly ash (Cui et al., 2019). The cylindrical samples had a radius of 15 mm and a height of 60 mm. The scanning results revealed that Group A0 (without the addition of fly ash) had a higher degree of porosity (black) and uneven distribution of pores. Additionally, there were several agglomerates with excessive density (white), indicating that the cement hydration was incomplete. For mf/mc = 0.4, the overall porosity of slurries reduced, and the pore distribution became uniform, with almost no high-density agglomerates. This demonstrated that the slurry was fully hydrated and possessed excellent integrity and high strength after consolidation. When the mf/mc ratio was increased to 2.5, the slurry showed large-diameter pores in the middle with an even distribution. Further, a small content of high-density agglomerates (hoop-shaped particles) appeared in the upper half of the slurries, after the addition of fly ash. Fly ash itself had a lower hydration strength than cement and cannot entirely replace cement.

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Porosity determined by CT scanning.

In addition, combined with the results of the shear experiments, it can be found that when mf/mc = 0.4, the slurry had the lowest number of pores and the pore size was smaller than those of the other two groups of slurries. The shear strength was higher and the shear strength curve was smoother.

5.2 Number of microscopic pores and microchannels

A solidification slurry also has many tiny pores and channels, which will squeeze and connect with each other to form larger defects when subjected to external forces. These slow developments are often overlooked and lead to adverse consequences, and it is therefore necessary to perform statistical calculations and analyses of these small holes and channels (Suzuki et al., 2017). The results of the statistical analysis of pores (Table 5) demonstrate the following findings: (1) the number of pores with an equivalent radius greater than 10 μm in the slurry of Group A2 was the lowest and that in Group A6 was the highest and (2) the average radius of the pores in Group A2 was the smallest, and that in Group A6 was the largest. The statistical analysis of the pore channels reveal that (1) the number of pore channels with an equivalent radius greater than 10 μm in the slurry of Group A2 was the lowest and that of Group A0 was the highest and (2) the average pore channel radius of Group A2 was the smallest. Although the number of channels in Group A6 was less than that in Group A0, the average equivalent radius was about 2.5 times that of Group A0. It can be seen that the addition of fly ash reduced the number of internal pores in the slurry, and the pores were smaller (Zhao & Zhou, 2020). This helps to improve the strength of slurries after consolidation. Although fly ash can improve the uniformity of the pore distribution, a high content can easily lead to large-diameter pores, which is not conducive to the grouting of shield tunnel gaps.

Table 5. Numbers of pores and channels.
Group Number of pores with average equivalent radius greater than 10 μm Average size of pores (μm) Number of channels with average equivalent radius greater than 10 μm Average size of channels (μm)
A0 109 10.89 20 4.00
A2 69 8.62 7 2.64
A6 157 14.54 9 10.50

5.3 CT 3D pore distribution

AVIZO image processing software was used to create 3D models of the CT data, allowing for an intuitive presentation of slurry porosities with three different contents of fly ash (Bernardes et al., 2015; Henry et al., 2014; Zhou et al., 2019). Figure 14 shows the CT 3D pore distribution results of the three groups. Group A0 showed poor performance, with continuous pores observed in the upper section of slurries and an uneven pore distribution. Group A2 performed better, with a smoother surface and fewer pores. However, Group A6 showed the worst performance, with continuously connected pores appearing in the middle and lower sections of slurries. Moreover, pores with diameters greater than 8 mm were present throughout the slurry. These results indicate that controlling the amount of fly ash can effectively promote cement hydration, reduce the number of pores after consolidation, optimize the slurry structure, and improve its strength.

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Porosity assessed by CT-3D scanning.

5.4 Macroporous defects determined by CT scans

Defects with large diameters are often the direct cause of soil damage, and there are many such defects in fly ash slurry. Therefore, it is necessary to analyze and count the number of these large pore defects to help determine the optimal proportion of fly ash in the slurry (Skarżyński et al., 2019). To make the pore distribution more obvious, the Bounding Box in AVIZO software was first positioned on the scanned CT slice images, after which the pores were adjusted by Interactive Thresholding. Then, new slice data were obtained, and the postprocessing of volume rendering was performed to reveal the pore space. The geometric distributions are shown in Figures 15-17.

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Spatial distribution of the slurry in Group A: (a) horizontal distribution and (b) 3D distribution.
Details are in the caption following the image
Spatial distribution of the slurry in Group B: (a) horizontal distribution and (b) 3D distribution.
Details are in the caption following the image
Spatial distribution of the slurry in Group C: (a) horizontal distribution and (b) 3D distribution.

It can be seen from Figure 15 that there were continuous pores in the upper part of the slurry in Group A0, which had a pore diameter of 5–10 mm. Moreover, the middle and lower parts of slurries performed well, and the pore distribution was uneven. Figure 16 shows the slurry in Group A2, where the number of pores in the slurry was small, the distribution was uniform, and there were fewer large-diameter pores. Figure 17 shows the slurry in Group A6. Large-diameter pores appeared in the lower two parts of slurries, but the pores in the middle were smaller and evenly distributed. The results demonstrate that the addition of fly ash can optimize the hydration structure of the slurry and reduce the porosity. However, if the content of fly ash is too high, the slurry can easily segregate and the strength will be low. From this microscopic representation of pores, it can be found that the pores of slurries significantly reduce the shear strength of slurries. The addition of fly ash reduced the pores of slurries, optimized the internal structure of slurries, and improved their overall strength.

5.5 Slurry pore network model

From the model results, it can be seen that the pore channels in the slurries in Groups A0, A2, and A6 were all located in the horizontal direction, and there were fewer pore channels in the vertical direction. The reason is that due to the influence of gravity and earth pressure, the distance between the pores in the vertical interval was long and connected channels could not be formed (Zhao et al., 2019). Second, the number of pore channels in the slurry of Group A2 with mf/mc = 0.4 was the lowest, while that in the slurry of Group A6 with mf/mc = 2.5 was the highest (Figure 18). From the microscopic pore performance of the three groups of slurries, it can be seen that fly ash can optimize the slurry structure, increase the late shear strength of slurries, improve the filling efficiency, and help to reduce displacements.

Details are in the caption following the image
Pore network models: (a) Group A0 slurry with m f/ m c = 0; (b) Group A2 slurry with m f/ m c = 0.4; and (c) Group A6 slurry with m f/ m c = 2.5.


  • 1.

    The hydration process of fly ash slurries involves five stages of puffing, induction, neutralization, alkali increase, and strengthening. Adjusting the fineness of fly ash and mf/mc can control the coagulation of slurries and their hydration time. Modifying the content and fineness of fly ash can reduce the initial strength of slurries and improve their fluidity. Additionally, fly ash can enhance the homogeneity of slurry structures.

  • 2.

    Higher content of fly ash led to later strength “mutation domain.” Using higher-fineness fly ash can decrease the early strength of slurries and improve their pumpability. To improve later strength without increasing the content of cement and fly ash, selecting high-fineness fly ash is more beneficial.

  • 3.

    CT scanning revealed that adding fly ash to the slurry can enhance pore distribution uniformity, optimize the slurry structure, and reduce the pore count after consolidation. However, excessive content of fly ash can increase the pore diameter and number, impair the filling effect, and increase the risk of settlements and displacements.

  • 4.

    Fly ash slurries can be tailored to meet construction demands by adjusting the content and fineness of fly ash. This type of tailored slurry is more efficient, environmentally friendly, and superior to traditional bentonite and cement slurries.

The next step for future research is to conduct an in-depth analysis of hydration heat of slurries and its hydration kinetics. Further work can focus on improving mathematical and diffusion models of slurries and enhancing the settlement control level of shield construction.


Hua Jiang: Conceptualization; investigation; monitoring. Handong Zhang: Experiment; data analysis; writing of the original draft. Jinxun Zhang: Testing material; project administration; validation. Xiaoyan Zhang: Test equipment and validation; logical arrangement. Yusheng Jiang: Investigation and data analysis.


All the support provided is gratefully acknowledged. This work was supported by the National Natural Science Foundations of China (51608521, 51809264), the Major Achievements Transformation and Industrialization Projects of Central Universities in Beijing (ZDZH20141141301), the Outstanding Young Teachers Program by CUMTB (2022YQLJ01), and the Beijing Urban Construction Group Co. Ltd.


    The authors declare no conflict of interest.


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      Hua Jiang is an associate professor, and is mainly engaged in teaching and research of geotechnical engineering, tunnel engineering, underground engineering, and shield engineering theory and technology. Host and to complete a key project of National Natural Science Fund, Youth Fund Projects, National Science and Technology Support Plan Project, Beijing Science and Technology Plan Key Projects, the Ministry of Railways topic of more than 30 items of the plan of innovation, research results one has won first prize of Beijing Science and Technology progress prize, second prize, two item, academic research papers published more than 30 articles, more than 20 patents for inventions and utility models have been authorized, and four monographs have been published.

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      Xiaoyan Zhang is an associate professor and PhD supervisor. She obtained her PhD degree from the University of Hong Kong in December 2015 and was awarded the Ringo Yu Prize for Best PhD Thesis in Geotechnical Studies 2015 by the Hong Kong Institution of Engineers (HKIE). In August 2016, she joined the Department of Urban Underground Space Engineering, School of Mechanics and Civil Engineering at China University of Mining and Technology (Beijing), where she mainly engages in research work related to macro- and microgeomechanics, marine geotechnics, and underground engineering. She has led one National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) Young Scientist Project and one General Project. She has also participated in an international cooperation exchange project between NSFC and the Royal Society (RS) of the United Kingdom. She has published over 20 SCI/EI indexed papers and holds more than 10 authorized invention patents.