A state-of-the-art review on geothermal energy exploration in Morocco: Current status and prospects


In the last few decades, addressing the global challenge of implementation of strategies for renewable energy and energy efficiency has become crucial. Morocco, since 2009, has made a steadfast commitment to sustainability, with a particular focus on advancing the development of renewable energy resources. A comprehensive strategy has been formulated, centering on utilizing the country's energy potential to drive progress in this vital sector. Morocco is considered a country with abundant thermal water, indicating deep reservoirs with significant hydrothermal potential. Geothermal zones were selected based on the abundance of hot springs where water temperatures were high and geothermal gradients were significant. The abundance and importance of hot springs, combined with recent volcanism and ongoing non-tectonic activity linked to alpine orogeny, strongly suggest that these regions are promising reservoirs for geothermal energy. This great potential also extends to neighboring countries. In northeast and south Morocco, the temperature of thermal water ranges from 26 to 54°C. This study serves as an inclusive review of the geothermal potentialities in Morocco.


  • In this study, the geothermal potential in Morocco is assessed.

  • The current state of geothermal development, encompassing the existing status and Moroccan legal regulations related to Renewable Energy, is examined.

  • The challenges and opportunities associated with the development of geothermal energy in Morocco are analyzed.

  • Recommendations are provided for improved guidance and development in both Power Generation and Direct-Use aspects.


Geothermal energy has emerged as a promising renewable resource with the potential to contribute substantially toward meeting the global energy demand. Morocco, like numerous other developing nations, confronts challenges in its energy supply, impeding its ambition to emerge as a leading force in renewables and achieve its 2035 vision of becoming a frontrunner in the field of renewable energy. In the past few decades, there has been a notable surge in scientific interest in assessing the feasibility of geothermal energy production in Morocco. Numerous studies have been conducted, and efforts are ongoing to leverage this clean energy resource for various applications. Presently, there is a discernible trend indicating an increase in the thermal gradient, from the coastal part in the northeast of Morocco toward the Canary Islands, following the main path of the Moroccan Hot Line as defined by several authors (i.e., Missenard et al., 2006), based on the distribution of recent volcanism. Notably, the temperature beneath the Rif and the Alboran Sea suggests that 450°C can be reached only at 20 km, as reported by Rimi et al. (2008).

The heightened attention to geothermal research since 1968 has spurred various studies aimed at estimating the country's hydrogeothermal potential, utilizing methods such as geochemical analyses, surface geothermal investigations, and subsurface geothermal assessments. The study of Morocco's thermomineral resources was initiated early in 1968, followed by subsequent endeavors by Alsac et al. (1969) and Cornet et al. (1974) from Bureau de Recherches Géologiques et Minières (BRGM), which associated the present surface geothermal manifestations with the Nekor accident (West of Nador).

In a comprehensive study involving fracture networks, seismic zones, gravimetric and magnetic anomalies, thermal springs, recent and ancient volcanism, and direct heat flow measurements, Bahi et al. (1983) reported the existence of a geothermal lineament in Morocco. This lineament aligns with a hot, high-flow thermal corridor in the southern and eastern Rif regions.

From 1987 onward, Rimi and his collaborators conducted an inventory of all thermal springs and established their correlation with the geothermal gradient, which played a pivotal role in Moroccan geothermal research. In 1998, Rimi et al. focused on heat flow and the geothermal gradient, incorporating temperature measurements from significant oil wells. This work was followed by other studies on the geothermal potential in eastern Morocco by Lahrach (1994), western Morocco by Benaabidate (1994), and finally, the Essaouira-Agadir basin by Zarhloule (1994), under an agreement between the Moroccan Ministry of Energy and Mines and the Ecole Nationale d'Ingénieurs de Sfax (Tunisia).

Based on previous studies, Bahaj (1997) examined thermal springs in northern Morocco using a geochemical and isotopic approach. Isotopic analysis of the water revealed that all the thermal springs studied were of meteoric origin (Cidu & Bahaj, 2000) and that the chemical composition observed at the various sites was the result of the interaction of the water with the rocks that made up the respective aquifers.

These studies also shed some light on the geothermal gradient. In the Rif, Rimi (1990) first defined it between (30 ± 40)°C/km, and then higher gradient values (40 ± 55)°C/km were calculated in the Moroccan Massif Central (Rimi et al., 1998). Temperatures at depth have been calculated at about 100°C (Lahlou Mimi et al., 1999).

Zarhloule (1999) assessed Morocco's geothermal potential by combining deep-sea temperatures and surface indices, and drew maps illustrating the variation of the geothermal gradient. Furthermore, in 2010, he established that Morocco has more than 10 hot aquifers and 50 thermal springs, with emergence temperatures ranging from 30 to 54°C. These important springs and reservoirs, identified by hydrogeological and oil wells, endow the country with a promising prospect for geothermal energy and thermal water exploitation.

El Morabiti (2000) conducted a geological, hydrochemical, and isotopic study of thermal waters in northern Morocco. Benmakhlouf (2001) explored the interplay between tectonics and thermalism for thermal springs in northern Morocco. Winckel (2002) worked on categorizing Moroccan thermal waters using a hydrochemical, isotopic, and tectonic method. Tassi et al. (2006) significantly contributed to the understanding of Morocco's geothermal landscape by studying the geochemistry of hydrothermal fluids and exploring potential tectonic relationships, shedding light on the physico-chemical processes occurring at depth.

Barkaoui (2014) worked on the hydrogeochemistry of the northern geothermal province and performed analytical modeling and paleoclimate. Bouchaou et al. (2017) and Sabri et al. (2019) studied, respectively, the origin of geothermal waters in Morocco using multiple isotope tracers for delineating sources of water–rock interactions and the hydrogeochemistry of the thermo-mineral waters of the South Rif Thrust (Northern Morocco). Finally, Redouane et al. (2020, 2021), Redouane, Si Mhamdi et al. (2022), Redouane, Haissen et al. (2022), Redouane, Bellanger et al. (2023), and Redouane, Haissen et al. (2023) studied the geothermal anomalies in northeast of Morocco using Satellite images, investigated the influence of thermal conductivity on the thermal state of Central and Eastern geological units of the Rif belt, and explored the petrography and geochemistry of the volcanic outcrops with high geothermal potential in north-eastern Morocco.

This review provides an overview of the geological settings and geothermal potentialities of Morocco, with the aim of examining the geothermal development of the country, including its current status, legal regulations concerning renewable energy, comparative analysis with other countries, technological advancements, economic framework, and environmental impact considerations. On this basis, it further evaluates potential orientations for geothermal development, focusing on power generation and direct-use applications. Challenges and opportunities in geothermal energy development in Morocco are explored, including those related to project financing, regulatory frameworks, and environmental considerations. The review concludes with recommendations and perspectives aimed at promoting the sustainable development of geothermal energy in Morocco.


Spanning from the Precambrian era to the present day, Morocco has three distinct structural domains (Figure 1) extending from its northern to southern regions, encompassing a diverse range of terrains.

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Simplified map showing the main structural domains of Morocco with related orogenic belts (Michard et al., 2008).
The Rif domain, in conjunction with the Tell, Kabyli, Sicily, and Calabria belts, collectively makes up the Maghrebides belt, positioned in the westernmost segment of the Alpine Belt. It features predominantly Meso-Cenozoic terrains, with an internal section revealing Paleozoic bedrock. It forms an integral part of the expansive Alpine orogenic system. The Rif subdivides into three structural subareas:
  • 1.

    Internal Rif: Encompassing the Paleozoic zone and the Jurassic limestone chain.

  • 2.

    Meso-Cenozoic Flysch Nappes: Categorized into Mauritanian, Massylian, and Numidian flyschs.

  • 3.

    External Rif: Progressing from north to south, it includes the Intrarif with Mesozoic limestones and marls, the Mesorif representing “window zones” with a substantial clay-sandstone series, and the Prerif constituting the outermost section of the Rifain chain, housing the southern Rifain nappes.

The Meseto-Atlasic domain: Positioned between the Rif and the Anti-Atlas belts, this domain occupies the central part of Morocco, further divided into two subareas:
  • 1.

    Mesetas (Western and Eastern): Comprising a Paleozoic basement structured during various Hercynian orogenic phases.

  • 2.

    Atlasic belts: Formed by the Middle Atlas (NE-SW direction) and the High Atlas (ENE-WSW direction), these chains are flanked by significant faults like the North Middle Atlas Fault (ANMA), the Aït Ouffela Fault, and the South Atlasic Fault (ASA), the latter traversing the study region in a sub-equatorial direction.

The Anti-Atlasic range and Saharian domain:
  • 1.

    The Anti-Atlas range, situated between the Tindouf Basin to the south and the South Atlasic Fault to the north, exposes Precambrian terrains amid a deformed sedimentary cover from the Paleozoic era.

  • 2.

    The Saharan domain, primarily composed of Precambrian and Lower Proterozoic terrains, constitutes the northwestern portion of the West African craton, subjected to deformation and metamorphism during the Eburnian orogeny. This subdomain is topped by a Paleozoic cover.


Morocco stands out as a country with abundant thermal water resources in north and west Africa, indicative of deep reservoirs with significant hydrothermal potential. The north-eastern and the southern regions are specially identified as areas with medium to medium-high enthalpy geothermal energy suitable for practical applications. The geothermal areas are selected based on the distribution of geothermal manifestations (mainly hot springs), the productivity of the aquifer and its structure, the hydrogeological basin continuity, the estimated geothermal gradient, the occurrence of recent volcanism and major faults, and the proximity of a heat flow density anomaly (Berkat et al., 2023; Magoua et al., 2023). Water temperatures are measured in the field, either in springs or in drilled wells. Geothermal gradients are then calculated using the measured temperatures. Over decades, geological surveys have been conducted by several teams and groups of researchers. Thermal water chemistry has been done based on the data collected by previously mentioned authors (i.e., Barkaoui et al., 2012, 2013) and by the National Office of Hydrocarbons and Mines.

3.1 Temperature and wells

The abundance and significance of hot springs (Figure 2), coupled with recent volcanism and ongoing nontectonic activity related to the alpine orogeny, strongly suggest these areas as promising reservoirs for geothermal energy. This great potential extends to neighboring countries as well. In the northeast of Morocco, the thermal waters show a temperature range between 26 and 54°C (Figure 3). An analysis of geothermal areas in this region reveals distinctive characteristics (Barkaoui, 2014):
  • 1.

    Hypothermal areas (32%): Geothermal zones where the waters have lower temperatures.

  • 2.

    Mesothermal areas (62%): Geothermal regions characterized by moderate temperatures.

  • 3.

    Hyperthermal areas (6%): Geothermal zones with high surface temperatures, surpassing 40°C, predominantly found in specific locations, including the city of Oujda (Ben Kachour) and the northern part east of Nador (Kariat Arkman).

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(a) Simplified map of Morocco, showing its main structural domains. (b) Schematic geological map of northern Morocco with the location of the thermo-mineral waters (Sabri et al., 2019) .
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Temperatures at the surface in 10 hot springs in northeast of Morocco.

Understanding the temperature profiles of these geothermal areas is essential for effectively harnessing the diverse thermal resources available in north-eastern Morocco. It provides a foundation for strategic planning and the development of tailored geothermal projects in the region. Across Morocco, the average geothermal gradient stands at 23°C/km, with occasional variations ranging from 19 to 42°C/km. Notably, the highest values are concentrated in the northeast and the south of Morocco.

In the Berkane region of northeast Morocco, two drillings stand out for showing elevated geothermal gradients. The first borehole, situated in the village of Fezouane, demonstrates an atypical evolution of the geothermal gradient:
  • 1.

    0–60 m depth: Gradual temperature increase with a higher-than-normal gradient, reaching 42°C/km.

  • 2.

    60–120 m depth: Gradient decreases to 14°C/km.

  • 3.

    Beyond 150 m depth: Gradual increase in the geothermal gradient, reaching 70°C/km at the borehole's bottom (Figure 4).

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Geothermal gradient in two boreholes. (a) Berkane region and (b) Oujda region. (GG is geothermal gradient.)

This temperature variation at depth is attributed to the ascending movement of water, particularly noteworthy due to the artesian behavior of the Fezouane block. Another example is from borehole (2952/12), which highlights the circulation of water originating from carbonate formations below the depth of 594 meters, and the observed thermal profile indicates a remarkable geothermal gradient of 56°C/km (Figure 4).

The southernmost part of Morocco mainly consists of the Tarfaya-Laayoune-Dakhla basin. The latter is delineated by various geological features. It is bounded to the east by the Precambrian Reguibat shield and encompassed by the Paleozoic Dhlou-Zemmour belt and Zag-Tindouf basin (Figure 1). The northern limit is defined by the Anti-Atlas belt (Figure 1), while the southern boundary is represented by the Ouled Dlim massif and the Senegalo-Mauritanian basins. The basin's western edge is bordered by the Atlantic Ocean. The basin's geological composition comprises a Precambrian crystalline basement from the Reguibat shield, featuring Tonalities-Trondhjemites-Granodiorites, gneisses, and granitic rocks. The Reguibat shield is characterized by a collision between its southwestern Archean terrane and northeastern Paleoproterozoic terrane during a NE-trending transpressive Eburnean event, along the E-trending Oued Lekrae-El Mdena fault zone, shaping the basin's intricate geological framework (El Amraoui et al., 2023).

Over 1200 boreholes have been documented in southern Morocco, featuring temperatures ranging from 16.5 to 104°C. The measured water temperatures in these boreholes range from 30.0 to 84.2°C, validating the upward trend in water table temperatures within the Lower Cretaceous. This trend is observed from east to west toward Boujdour, aligning with the burial of the aquifer roof (Berkat et al., 2023). The geothermal gradient in the south of Morocco generally varies between 20 and 60°C/km (Figure 5a). The involved aquifers in the region are those of Paleogene and Lower Cretaceous accessible at varying depths. Based on the dispersion of thermal springs, aquifer productivity, the configuration of the productive aquifer, and the proximity to an anomaly in heat flow density, there are at least five distinct geothermal zones that have been identified (Figure 5b).

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(a) Geothermal gradient in the south of Morocco (Berkat et al., 2023). (b) Potentially high geothermal areas in the south (Berkat et al., 2023) (1: Dakhla El Argoub area; 2: Bir Gandouz area; 3: Boujdour-Lamsid; 4: Essemara area; 5: El Marsa Laâyoun and Tarfaya areas).

Dakhla El Argoub area: This area comprises 87 relatively low-temperature wells, averaging 33.7°C. The exploited aquifers are from the Paleogene and Lower Cretaceous. Notably, 81 wells show artesian characteristics, indicating elevated pressures within confined aquifers (Berkat et al., 2023).

Bir Gandouz area: Exploiting the aquifers from the Paleogene and Lower Cretaceous, the Bir Gandouz area features two nonartesian wells with temperatures of 36 and 32°C. The aquifer recharge likely occurs at a considerable distance northeast of this area (Berkat et al., 2023).

Boujdour Lamsid area: This area encompasses 11 deep boreholes accessing the Lower Cretaceous aquifer, with an average temperature of 52°C. Artesian conditions prevail near the coastal area (Berkat et al., 2023).

Essemara area: Essemara hosts three nonartesian wells with an average temperature of 33.5°C, exploiting the Lower Cretaceous aquifer.

El Marsa Laâyoune and Tarfaya area: This area encloses numerous hot water wells, with temperatures ranging from 32 to 69°C. The exploited aquifer is Lower Cretaceous, with localized artesian conditions. This area extends northward to encompass the impact of the positive geothermal anomaly attributed to the Canary Islands plume.

3.2 Geology and geochemistry

Morocco, as a country situated at a triple junction between a continent (Africa), an ocean (the Atlantic), and an active plate collision zone (the Alpine belt system), has experienced noteworthy tectonic activity, particularly in its northern part. This is evident in the density of seismicity, with the most active seismic zone located in the Alboran Sea and the Rif. This aligns with the region's status as a contact zone between the Eurasian and African plates. The Moho isobaths (Tadili et al., 1986) revealed minimum crustal thicknesses of approximately 25 km along the Mediterranean coast in the northern part and less than 25 km north of Oujda (Figure 6). Studies by Vallejo Martin et al. (1996) in the Betic Cordilleras indicate mantle upwelling in this area to a depth of 15 km. Overlaying the geothermal gradient map of Morocco with the findings by Tadili et al. (1986) and Vallejo Martin et al. (1996) suggests that thermal anomalies observed in the northern part of the map are primarily linked to crustal thinning (Zarhloule, 1999).

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Calculated crustal thickness. The red dashed line indicates the shape of the high-velocity body at 60 km (Palomeras et al., 2017).

Figure 7 illustrates a conceptual model of northeastern Morocco, demonstrating the circulation of thermal water. Hot reservoirs in this region are trapped in sedimentary formations, which intrinsically compact Liassic limestones and dolomites and thus form the most relevant aquifer; these carbonates contain water in fractures and show locally some karstic patterns (Muffler & Cataldi, 1978; Rimi, 2011). The most resistant formations might be transmissive but not very accumulative, so the estimation of each aquifer's thickness, porosity, and transmissibility can hardly be made (Barkaoui et al., 2012). However, it is previously assumed that the reservoir's thickness is up to 500 m, with an increasing geothermal gradient of 50°C/km (Barkaoui et al., 2012; Zarhloule, 1999).

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Conceptual model of the northeast of Morocco presenting the circulation of thermal water (Barkaoui et al., 2013).

The integration of multiple isotope tracers (mainly 18O and 2H isotopes) indicates that most Moroccan geothermal waters (springs and boreholes) originate from meteoric water recharge (Figure 7) combined with water–rock interaction (Barkaoui et al., 2012; Bouchaou et al., 2017). They are mainly HCO3–Ca–Mg type and flow through carbonate rocks (Figure 8). Geochemical data show that the dissolution of marine evaporitic rocks (halite and gypsum/anhydrite) is the principal source of solutes (Table 1) controlling the composition and the salinity of these thermal waters (Bouchaou et al., 2017).

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Chemical and isotopic analyses of thermal waters and groundwater in north-eastern Morocco. (a) SO 4, (b) Na, (c) Cl, (d) K, (e) Mg, (f) Ca, (g) F, (h) Br, (i) Li, (j) B, (k) HCO 3. (After Tassi et al., 2006; Winckel, 2002).
Table 1. Data from chemical and isotopic analyses of thermal waters and groundwater from North Eastern Morocco (After Tassi et al., 2006; Winckel, 2002). 10 −6
Site HCO3 SO4 Cl Na K Ca Mg B F Br Li SiO2
Ain chiffa 1342 350 240 353 7.0 268 80 0.43 2.50 0.50 0.33 12.2
Haddou ou Ammar 396 710 1950 1175 - 324 77 0.86 1.25 2.30 0.60 64.8
Fezouane 342 27 16 15 0.8 66 33 0.05 6.00 0.15 0.02 15.2
Ben kachour 367 237 1065 840 10.0 92 40 0.11 0.80 1.20 0.10 22.0
Guafait 305 225 280 107 3.0 146 71 0.14 1.88 0.60 0.03 10.7
Ain Goutitir 204 2500 4375 2130 26.0 950 280 0.22 0.80 21.5 0.67 32.5
Ain Bourached 360 39 353 224 6.0 67 38 0.30 - - 0.15 -

The structure of the Laâyoune-Dakhla basin is a syncline with a NE-SW axis. The sedimentary basin contains significant groundwater resources of varying quality, circulating in an aquifer complex comprising shallow and deep aquifers. The deep aquifers in this complex are multilayered, circulating in the northern part of the basin in the Cretaceous, and in the southern part (Dakhla area) in the Paleogene and Cretaceous. These nappes are fossilized and nonrenewable, free in the eastern part (outcrop zone), and captive or artesian in the western part (El Kanti, 2018).

In general, the waters of the Laâyoune-Dakhla Aquifer Complex predominantly have a chloride–sodium chemical composition. In the northern basin zone, the sampled waters display a chloride–sodium chemical facies with a tendency toward the sulfate pole. Moving toward the central zone, the waters become more mineralized and maintain the chloride–sodium facies, with discernible trends toward the calcium and sulfate poles. In the southern zone, the sampled waters consistently show a chloride-sodium chemical facies (Edoulati et al., 2013).


4.1 Current status

Morocco has already started working on an action plan including every possible geothermal area with the overarching goal of enhancing knowledge about geothermal resources, mitigating uncertainties related to resource exploitation, and initiating geothermal projects tailored to the unique characteristics of each area and its socioeconomic profile.

As Morocco becomes increasingly interested in geothermal development, the need to place a deeper emphasis on exploration and data collection to characterize the perceived geothermal potential is of more urgency. The lack of comprehensive plans encompassing geological characterization and involving other sectors such as economy, tourism, and energy is clearly unsatisfactory and outdated. There are, however, several initiatives from the ministry and the National Office of Hydrocarbons and Mines to implicate the society and facilitate this long-awaited project. These attempts have also affected universities and colleges as they started focusing on geothermal energy, either by providing on-site courses, organizing seminars and conferences, or by facilitating international collaborations and internships.

4.2 Moroccan legal regulations concerning EnR

Morocco, once the largest energy importer in the MENA region, has transitioned from being a dependent energy consumer to aspiring to become an energy exporter. In 2008, the government initiated the National Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Plan to develop alternative energies, aiming to fulfill 15% of the country's domestic needs and enhance the use of energy-saving systems. Subsequently, the nation set more ambitious goals, targeting 42% renewable energy capacity in the total energy mix by 2020 and 52% by 2030. Significant legal reforms were implemented in 2010 to enhance the legal and regulatory framework for renewable energy, including the following:
  • 1.

    Law No. 13-09: to promote renewable energy development, offering a framework for developers and investors in clean energy projects. It establishes a legal framework for energy export, but does not impose limits on installed capacity per project or energy type.

  • 2.

    Law No. 16-09: to establish the National Agency for the Development of Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (ADEREE).

  • 3.

    Law No. 57-09: to create the Moroccan Agency for Solar Energy (MASEN), aiming for integrated electricity production from solar energy with a minimum total capacity of 2000 MW.

Concurrently, Morocco is in the process of instituting an independent National Electricity Regulatory Agency to facilitate the burgeoning expansion of the energy sector. The regulatory framework outlined in Law No. 13-09 meticulously defines renewable energy projects, promoting their development for both domestic consumption and export by public or private entities. Importantly, private entities are granted permission to produce and export electricity, albeit still obligated to utilize the national grid for electricity supply. The law accords any renewable energy power producer, whether public or private, the right to connect to medium-, high-, and very-high-voltage grids.

Under the stipulations of this law, a preliminary statement regime becomes mandatory for new or upgraded installations producing renewable energy between 20 kW and 2 MW owned by the same operator on one or multiple sites, or for those generating 8 MW or more of thermal energy. Projects with a capacity of 2 MW or more necessitate endorsement from ADEREE, with the applicant securing temporary authorization for construction, followed by final authorization for operation. Failure to activate the facility within a year after final authorization or suspension of electricity production for more than 2 consecutive years may result in the withdrawal of the final authorization, excluding cases of renewable energy below 20 kW provided by a sole promoter.

4.3 Comparative analysis with other countries and technological advancements

Morocco can learn from valuable practices from the advanced geothermal countries from Europe and Africa, like Iceland, Turkey, and Kenya, which have successfully harnessed geothermal energy. It can learn from these countries especially in terms of prioritizing research and development, elaborating supportive regulatory framework, fostering public–private partnerships, addressing environmental and social considerations, and ensuring robust infrastructure for geothermal exploration and exploitation. Morocco can also learn from Turkey in terms of promoting private sector participation and fostering investment to facilitate the growth of its geothermal industry.

Enhanced Geothermal Systems usually refer to advancements that hold promise for overcoming challenges associated with traditional geothermal development. Specifically, this involves the stimulation of existing hot rock formations by injecting water at high pressure to create artificial reservoirs, thus expanding the potential locations for geothermal energy extraction beyond natural hydrothermal systems. This technology could be particularly beneficial for Morocco, as it could enable the exploitation of deeper geothermal resources in regions where conventional hydrothermal systems may be limited.

Furthermore, calling for innovative drilling techniques, such as directional drilling and slim-hole drilling, may help the country hasten the exploration and development of its geothermal resources, promoting the deployment of geothermal power plants, and enhancing energy security. In addition, advancements in reservoir modeling and monitoring technologies may enable better characterization of geothermal reservoirs and allow Morocco to improve its reservoir performance.

4.4 Economic framework

Like any other green schemes, geothermal projects typically entail higher initial investment costs for exploration, drilling, and plant construction. The return on investment (ROI) for geothermal projects in Morocco varies based on resource quality, project scale, financing terms, and prevailing electricity market conditions. Projects situated in regions with favorable geothermal conditions may yield attractive returns over their operational lifespan (several decades at least). However, this may be influenced by other factors, including project development schedules and regulatory frameworks governing electricity tariffs and incentives.

4.5 Environmental impact considerations

The most highlighted critical point in the environmental impact considerations lies in managing water resources sustainably, as geothermal energy extraction requires significant amounts of water for drilling, fluid injection, and power generation. Implementing water recycling and conservation measures, along with monitoring groundwater levels and quality, can minimize the depletion of local water resources already inadequately managed and prevent contamination of aquifers and surface water bodies.


Research indicates that Morocco harbors considerable geothermal resources in its north-eastern and southern parts. However, effectively harnessing these resources demands a comprehensive strategy. This strategy must address the challenges so as to enhance our understanding of geothermal anomalies while concurrently fostering awareness among local, regional, and national stakeholders about the viability of investing in low-CO2 technologies. These technologies would complement the abundant solar, wind, and hydro resources available in the region.

5.1 Geothermal power generation

Morocco has been actively investing in renewable energy projects to diversify its energy mix and reduce dependency on fossil fuels (Figure 9), and the share of renewables in the total installed capacity in Morocco in 2022 has already achieved 38% (Figure 9). In fact, Morocco has one of the world's largest solar power plants, called Noor Concentrated Solar Power (CSP) complex. Located near Ouarzazate and with multiple phases, it is a flagship project in the country's renewable energy portfolio.

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Total installed power capacity in Morocco in 2022 and the share of renewable energies (Ministry of Energy and Mines in Morocco).

In addition to hydropower, which Morocco has been historically using as a renewable energy source, the country has also been investing in wind energy projects and has established wind farms, such as the Tarfaya Wind Farm, contributing to its renewable energy capacity (Figure 9). The country has received support and cooperation from international organizations and partners for its renewable energy initiatives and aims to derive a significant portion of its energy from renewables by 2030, including geothermal energy.

Geothermal power generation is a crucial and distinctive technology for producing electricity. In Morocco, where we encounter medium to low enthalpy conditions, binary cycles such as Organic Rankine Cycle (ORC) and Kalina become particularly relevant. The areas with the highest temperatures are predominantly situated near volcanic regions in the northeast, specifically in Nador and Oujda and in the Laayoune area in the south. The presence of a positive geothermal anomaly in Nador and the Boujdour–Lamsid region provides a marginal possibility for power generation through binary power plants near Kariat Arekman and Lamsid areas. These binary power plants can operate efficiently even at lower fluid temperatures ranging from 100 to 120°C and play a significant role in producing base-load electricity, surpassing the output of solar photovoltaic or wind power generation. While the global geothermal electricity supply experiences annual growth, it is noteworthy that this growth tends to be at a comparatively slower pace when compared to the expansion rates observed in solar PV and wind technologies, but this has to be followed up with extensive and detailed studies.

5.2 Geothermal direct use

Hydrothermal resources with lower temperatures have permeable, layered aquifers and/or aquifers within fracture or karst systems, making them suitable for geothermal direct-heat applications. Globally, these technologies play a vital role in providing solutions for space heating (especially through geothermal doublets, applicable for district heating and, more recently, for cooling), as well as for bathing, swimming/wellness, industrial processes, agriculture (particularly in greenhouses), and aquaculture practices such as fish farming. The most recent global report on geothermal Direct-Use (TJ/YR), compiled by Lund and Toth (2020), indicates that prevalent applications of geothermal energy have increased significantly in the past 25 years, with a particular growing interest in geothermal heat pumps and space heating, along with bathing and swimming, in the last 5 years (Figure 10). Except for aquaculture pond and industrial uses, which have not attracted attention during the last decade (Figure 10), all the other direct applications have increased, including agribusiness applications (greenhouses and covered ground heating) and agricultural drying (such as agricultural crop drying and industrial process heat).

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Worldwide direct use (TJ/YR) (Lund & Toth, 2020).

The current contributions of the new technologies, coupled with shallow Ground Source Heat Pumps, can have a great impact on geothermal development within the regions. It is worth noting that within this hydrothermal category, certain locations (Figures 2 and 7) have thermal springs that have autonomously been supplying hot water to the surface for centuries. In these hydrothermal systems, meteoric water infiltrates the earth's surface, penetrates to greater depths to absorb heat, and then ascends back to the surface, typically along permeable fractures. These occurrences stand as exemplary instances of geothermal sustainability, where the outflow and its temperature remain consistently sustainable over extended periods.

This study delves into the diverse applications of geothermal energy that have been investigated and assessed, encompassing aspects such as market potential, economic feasibility, regulatory frameworks, and related policies. Ground Source Heat Pumps (GHPs) harness the Earth's consistently moderate temperature to supply heating, cooling, and hot water for residential, educational, governmental, and commercial structures. A minimal amount of electricity is needed to operate a compressor, and yet, the energy output is typically three to four times greater than the input. These systems essentially facilitate the movement of heat from a lower to a higher temperature location, akin to a reversible refrigeration unit. These GHPs can hence be used in all geothermal areas, but especially where shallow water sources exist, such as Berkane, Nador, Oujda, and Dakhla areas.

Figure 11 illustrates typical closed- and open-loop GHP installations. In the closed-loop geothermal heat pump system, a continuous loop of plastic or copper pipe is buried horizontally or vertically in the ground or submerged in a water source. The loop is filled with a heat-transfer fluid, usually a mixture of water and antifreeze. This fluid absorbs heat from the ground or water in winter to warm the building and releases heat back into the ground or water in summer to cool the building. Closed-loop GHPs are highly recommended for the areas of Taourirt and Lamsid (Figures 12 and 13).

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Typical closed- and open-loop geothermal heat pump installations (Lund, 2010) .
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Suggestions for geothermal direct use in the potential sites in the northeast of Morocco. (HFD is heat flow density.)
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Suggestions for geothermal direct use in the potential sites in the south of Morocco.

In an open-loop system, groundwater or surface water is pumped from a well or another water source, passes through the heat pump's heat exchanger, and then is discharged to a second well, surface water, or a drainage ditch (Figure 11). It extracts heat from the water source in winter and releases heat back to the water source in summer.

Agriculture plays a substantial role in the Moroccan economy, at a significant proportion (Figures 12 and 13). This sector involves various activities within the targeted geothermal areas that include the cultivation of spirulina, mugwort's flowering tops and onion farming in Taourirt-Guercif, Lasmid, and El Argoub areas, greenhouse cultivation of tomatoes and artichokes, production of cereals, and cultivation of melons, watermelons, and oranges in Berkane, Oujda, and Nador. The exploration of geothermal energy applications in the context of Morocco's agricultural landscape underscores the potential for sustainable and diversified energy solutions in support of key economic sectors.

Aquaculture involves the cultivation of fish and other aquatic organisms within a controlled environment, essentially constituting the farming of freshwater or marine creatures such as fish and shellfish. The utilization of geothermal water in aquaculture serves to maintain stable water temperatures, enhancing survival rates and promoting accelerated growth of aquatic species. Nador, Lamsid, and El Argoub areas (Figures 12 and 13), with their geothermal resources, present promising and advantageous locations for the implementation of aquaculture projects, leveraging the benefits of geothermal energy to support and optimize the aquacultural practices in these regions.

Geothermal desalination utilizes geothermal energy to convert saltwater into freshwater. This method is known for its cost-effectiveness. Although the overall environmental impact remains uncertain, it has the potential to be more environmentally friendly compared to traditional desalination methods. The process involves using geothermal energy to directly heat saline or brackish water in multiple-effect distillation units or indirectly generate electricity for reverse osmosis units. Lamsid area, with its geothermal resources, is poised to benefit significantly from this direct application of geothermal energy for desalination (Figure 13).

Balneotherapy is a therapeutic practice that entails bathing in mineral-rich water with additional therapeutic additives. Thermal water, which has health-promoting properties, is utilized in thermal establishments for its beneficial effects. Comprising mineral salts, gases, and sludge, thermal water offers effective health benefits. Morocco has nearly 120 thermal springs distributed across six thermal spa areas: Northeast, Rif and South-Rif, Center, Middle Atlas, High Atlas, and Anti-Atlas, including the Sahara region (Fikri-Benbrahim et al., 2021). Balneotherapy typically follows various therapeutic orientations, including rheumatology, dermatology, otolaryngology, phlebology, and more (Fikri-Benbrahim et al., 2021). These therapeutic orientations are primarily determined by the nature of thermal mineral products, as outlined in Table 2.

Table 2. Main therapeutic orientations of different types of Moroccan mineral waters (Fikri-Benbrahim et al., 2021).
Waters types Orientations Thermal area
Sulfurized Rheumatology North of Morocco
Sulfated Rheumatology North of Morocco
Bicarbonate Respiratory North of Morocco
Rheumatology North and South of Morocco
Dermatology North and South of Morocco
Urinary North of Morocco
Phlebology North and South of Morocco
Oligomers Phlebology North of Morocco
Treatment of anemia

Geothermal energy in Morocco can be utilized for many other industrial applications. It can provide heat for industrial processes such as drying, distillation, pasteurization, and other manufacturing activities, depending on temperatures of available geothermal reservoirs and the specific industrial heating needs. Thus, methods for prospecting and exploiting geothermal energy should be expanded not only in Morocco but also neighboring countries eventually, providing many advantages.


Before embarking on the development of any energy sector, it is imperative to conduct a comprehensive pre-study and evaluation. This initial phase serves as a crucial foundation, highlighting potential challenges and prospective opportunities. Here are some key considerations that can significantly aid upcoming development projects:

6.1 Challenges

Limited data and knowledge: Insufficient information about Morocco's geothermal resources poses challenges in identifying suitable locations for development.

Lack of technical expertise: The scarcity of skilled professionals experienced in geothermal exploration and development, especially those with field expertise, is a notable hurdle.

High upfront costs: The substantial initial capital investment required for geothermal energy development presents a significant challenge financially.

Regulatory and policy issues: Slow progress in the formulation of regulations supportive of geothermal development complicates the landscape.

Environmental and social impacts: Despite lower environmental and social impacts compared to other renewables, careful management is essential to prevent adverse consequences to local communities and the environment.

Infrastructure challenges: Inadequate infrastructure, including roads, power transmission lines, and water supply, adds complexity to the development of geothermal resources in Morocco.

6.2 Opportunities

Interesting geothermal potential: The large undeveloped geothermal potential of Morocco offers many opportunities for investments in exploration and development sectors.

Favorable geological conditions: The geology of Morocco features geological and structural conditions most favorable for geothermal energy, including crustal faults, volcanic formations, and hot springs.

High energy demand: The growing energy demand in the country, especially in rural areas, creates an opportunity for geothermal energy to contribute significantly.

Supportive policy environment: Morocco's sustainable strategy demonstrates an obligation to support geothermal energy, as a promising renewable energy resource, through policies and regulatory frameworks. With suitable motivations, partnerships, and community engagement, geothermal energy has the potential to become a significant contributor to Moroccan's energy sector.


Previous studies show that Morocco has significant geothermal reserves for both direct use and power generation with binary cycle power plants (especially along the coasts). Nador in northeast of Morocco and Lamsid in the south have the highest geothermal potential for power generation, while Oujda and Berkane in northeast Morocco and Dakhla, Bir Gandouz, Essemara, Laâyoun, and Tarfaya areas in the south are more favorable for direct use. The agricultural sector is the best option for geothermal direct use in Morocco, especially in the north, while aquaculture and tourism sectors are typically the main options for geothermal direct use in the south.

This review paper underscores, equally, the substantial potential of geothermal energy in Morocco for both electricity generation and direct utilization. However, the sector encounters challenges requiring a more extensive exploration and a supportive regulatory framework to attract private investments. To foster geothermal energy development, the following are highly recommended:
  • 1.

    In-depth geophysical surveys at the local level to enhance understanding and identify optimal geothermal sites.

  • 2.

    Training programs to build local expertise in geothermal exploration, production, and management.

  • 3.

    Exploratory studies in untapped regions to uncover additional geothermal resources and expand the overall understanding of the country's geothermal potential.

  • 4.

    Investment in research and development of innovative technologies to enhance the efficiency and cost-effectiveness of geothermal exploration and production processes.

  • 5.

    Comprehensive environmental impact assessments to ensure sustainable development and minimize the ecological footprint of geothermal projects.

  • 6.

    Development and implementation of policies and regulations that provide incentives for private investments in geothermal projects.

  • 7.

    Fostering of partnerships involving the government, the private sector, and local communities to ensure inclusive and sustainable geothermal development.

  • 8.

    Focus on cascading use in the agricultural sector, collaborating with locals and agricultural authorities to identify projects and potential sites.

  • 9.

    Characterization of the potential for electricity production in areas with the highest geothermal temperatures.

  • 10.

    Implementation of direct use of geothermal energy for heating greenhouses in agricultural facilities, capitalizing on reliable drilling conditions.

  • 11.

    Addressing of less favorable socioeconomic conditions with a primary focus on balneotherapy.

  • 12.

    Improvement of the conditions of hot springs, involving the local commune and current thermal baths' management.

  • 13.

    Commitment to the tourism sector in areas close to the active thermal sources.

  • 14.

    Development and implementation of strategies to mitigate risks associated with geothermal projects, thus enhancing investor confidence.

  • 15.

    Emphasis on the prioritization of direct-use applications, such as heating and cooling, to diversify geothermal utilization.

  • 16.

    Facilitation of international cooperation for knowledge exchange, technology transfer, and collaborative research to benefit from global expertise.

  • 17.

    Establishment of long-term monitoring and maintenance strategies for geothermal installations to ensure their sustained performance and longevity.

  • 18.

    Exploration of possibilities for integrating geothermal energy with other renewable sources to create hybrid energy solutions that enhance overall energy resilience and reliability.

  • 19.

    Continuous adaptation and refinement of policies to align with evolving technological advancements and industry best practices in the global geothermal sector.

  • 20.

    Focus on community engagement and awareness programs to garner local support, address concerns, and ensure the social sustainability of geothermal initiatives.

These further directions aim to guide ongoing and future efforts, ensuring the sustainable and successful deployment of geothermal energy in Morocco and its neighboring regions.


The authors would like to thank the National Office of Hydrocarbons and Mines (ONHYM) for their collaboration with this work by providing relevant data that were used to write this review.


    The authors declare no conflict of interest.


    • Redouane Meryem holds a PhD in Geology from the Faculty of Sciences Ben M'sick, Casablanca, Morocco, defended in February 2023. Her doctoral research focused on the Northeastern volcanic fields of Morocco, exploring geological and geothermal prospects. Prior to her PhD, she received her master's degree in Geosciences, Mineral Resources, and Geomaterials from Sidi Mohamed Ben Abdellah University, Fes, Morocco, in July 2017. Currently, Meryem serves as a part-time professor at the Mines School in Rabat (Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Mines), specializing in geothermal energy and guiding S3 students. Her commitment to academic excellence extends beyond teaching, as evidenced by her role as a reviewer for the journal Neues Jahrbuch Für Mineralogie since March 2022. Additionally, Meryem has engaged in professional development activities, including training on the Fundamentals of Geospatial Information in SDI, organized by the ERASMUS+ SEED4NA project. Her dedication to education, research, and scholarly contributions underscores her expertise and commitment to advancing knowledge in the field of geology and geothermal energy.